
onawbtngr546's Avatar

Charleroi is the new Springfield.

“So Pennsylvania, remember this when you have to go to vote,” Trump said.
“It’s a small town, all of a sudden they got thousands of people!” he continued. “The schools are scrambling to hire translators for the influx of students who don’t speak not a word of English, costing local taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars.”

Anyone want to organize a class field trip Charleroi to point out all of the illegal immigrants who don't speak English? This is right in our fucking back yard. If Trump claims there are thousands of people there who don't speak English and are bankrupting the town, then what's stopping us for going down there getting boots on the ground and taking a look? Maybe we can all take turns on the girl that was hosting out of there a few years back. I'm sure some people could point out a before and after the immigrants destroyed the town.
chizzy's Avatar
Im right near charleroi. Come on down son. He is absolutely right. They pack the walmart in belle vernon twice a week. And hardly
Anyone speaks english. Carrs and carts of free food thanks to the dems, all have cell phones etc etc
The town is flooded with them i would say.more than 2k. The town used to be a great place,now most businesses are shut down. Its becoming a small mckeesport bur not that bad yet. Since you know so much, come on down, ill take u on a tour
Libs dont care until it smacks them in the fucking face.....
HDGristle's Avatar
I think we have more Bjutanese/Nepali refugees in Pgh than Haitians.

In Greentree, heavy Indian and Pakistani

In the South Hills, in the Brookline, Beechview, Bon Air, Overbrook and Dormont its heavily Mexican

Yes, a mix of different people with different immigration situations. Some family based cases. Some work cases. Some refugees. Some asylees. Some folks who got visas because they were victims of crimes. Some Dreamers.

If you're going to "point out illegal immigrants" start by knowing whether someone is documented or undocumented and what's legal and illegal. You're not going to see that on their skin on the way they talk. If they're awaiting an asylum court date, I hate to break it to you but they're legal until that's adjudicated or somehow disqualify themselves.

There areabout 26,400immigrants in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, which is about 9% of the city's population.Immigrants in Pittsburgh make significant contributions to the city's economy and labor force:

Labor force:Immigrants make up 9.2% of the city's employed labor force.They are represented in key industries, including 17.7% of STEM workers, 16.1% of education workers, and 13.1% of manufacturing workers.Taxes:In 2019, immigrants paid $298 million in taxes to the city.Social Security and Medicare:In 2019, immigrants contributed $93.9 million to Social Security and $26.8 million to Medicare.

The Pittsburgh area has also seen a large influx of refugees in recent years.Between October 2021 and October 2022, refugee resettlement agencies in the region helped relocate more than 1,000 people
flows-with-water's Avatar
They have greatly impacted the school district. Best town in the valley during the hey days of the Mon Valley.
mulletman66's Avatar
Oh its real. Hang out at the Belle vernon Walmart and the Brownsville walmart they are everywhere. several times they have approached my wife begging her to pay for their groceries. We can barely afford our own let alone their food.
bambino's Avatar
�� Charleroi, Pennsylvania

More than Half the Population is Now Haitian — Haitians are being Bussed to and From Factories Operated by Fourth Street Foods — NGO’s are Supplying Cooperate America with Migrants

• +50% of the population is now Haitian
• Countless vans to transport them
• 90% of workers are now Haitian
• Crime and theft has skyrocketed
• Rent has skyrocketed
• Insurance rates skyrocketed
• goat carcasses

Charleroi is not recognizable anymore…
Oh its real. Hang out at the Belle vernon Walmart and the Brownsville walmart they are everywhere. several times they have approached my wife begging her to pay for their groceries. We can barely afford our own let alone their food. Originally Posted by mulletman66
... But, look onto the bright side, mate.

... That pesky over-population of cats is NOW almost
non-existent... Along with the over-abundance of those
feral pigs in the woodlands and water-fowl in the creeks
and waterways.

... Surely NOW seem like there was never a problem.

... They're ALL GONE! ....

#### Salty
HDGristle's Avatar
eyecu2's Avatar
This the misinformation thread for PA?

Seems like every single post is just x or rumble assertion of weird," sky is falling", MAGA taunts.

If you grew up in the south hills, it was good back till the late 80s early 90s. The steel industry powered the entire economy. The entire corridor of the mon river took a giant shit after that. When a house in monesson costs 40-60k and a place in Monroeville is 150k, that tells you where poor ppl will land. Charleroi in specific is either you got some money or you got none. It's blight that has been around for 30 freaking yrs. Nothing new there.
bambino's Avatar
This the misinformation thread for PA?

Seems like every single post is just x or rumble assertion of weird," sky is falling", MAGA taunts.

If you grew up in the south hills, it was good back till the late 80s early 90s. The steel industry powered the entire economy. The entire corridor of the mon river took a giant shit after that. When a house in monesson costs 40-60k and a place in Monroeville is 150k, that tells you where poor ppl will land. Charleroi in specific is either you got some money or you got none. It's blight that has been around for 30 freaking yrs. Nothing new there. Originally Posted by eyecu2
You’re the one spreading misinformation. Chizzys been a lifelong resident of the Mon Valley. He knows better than you. He’s lived it.
HDGristle's Avatar
chizzy's Avatar
Sheep always until it smacks their ass.

I invite any of you know it alls to meet me and take a tour of the lovely world of charleroi. Ill take u there thru the day. Around 11pm ill drop u off at one end and drive down to the other end and u can walk thru to meet me..... see how safe u feel
bambino's Avatar
Sheep always until it smacks their ass.

I invite any of you know it alls to meet me and take a tour of the lovely world of charleroi. Ill take u there thru the day. Around 11pm ill drop u off at one end and drive down to the other end and u can walk thru to meet me..... see how safe u feel Originally Posted by chizzy
Bring Depends, they’ll need them. It’s been around 6yrs since I’ve been down that way. Went to Luceses restaurant in Monessen. Good restaurant. Nothing crazy going on. I used to do a fair amount of business at Mon General. Some of the Docs offices were in Charleroi. Seemed like a sleepy rural town. But I haven’t been there for years. But what I’ve been reading, things are matching up with what you are describing. You know what you’re talking about. The others here don’t.
HDGristle's Avatar
Sheep always until it smacks their ass.

I invite any of you know it alls to meet me and take a tour of the lovely world of charleroi. Ill take u there thru the day. Around 11pm ill drop u off at one end and drive down to the other end and u can walk thru to meet me..... see how safe u feel Originally Posted by chizzy
East side of Charleroi or West?

Figure you'll want to show us the parts that are on par with thr scenic delights in Wilkinsburg, Homestead and Monessen.
bambino's Avatar
East side of Charleroi or West?

Figure you'll want to show us the parts that are on par with thr scenic delights in Wilkinsburg, Homestead and Monessen. Originally Posted by HDGristle
Take him up. I’ve met him a few times down that way. He knows a lot of people. You’ll be safe Mr Gristle.