Thank you border czar

DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Nice job. At least when the smoke clears, whether she wins or loses, because I didn't support her, I won't have blood on my hands, and I didn't support her with my vote to destroy America. Just what we need another 425,000 convicts, 13,100 killers, and 15,800 rapists and sexual assaulters.

Nice photo op today at the border. 20 minutes with 2 officers who didn't want to be any part of the dog and pony show. That's it.

... And when you count the "got aways" - the number's prolly
WELL OVER 600,000. ... Nice work they're doing in "Sanctuary citys"

... Open Borders - and Danger and Destruction for America.

... Is Presidential Candidate Kamala Harris EVER gonna explain
WHY she and Sleepy Joe have left the borders open??
After all - she IS The Border Czar!

##### Salty
txdot-guy's Avatar
A lot of context missing here. What’s the time frame? How many are currently in prison? How many cases occurred in the last three years? I’ve done some searches online but I can’t find any of the answers.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar