Encounter: Easier than an escort at Minx

User ID: -
Date: 10/10/24
Name: Didn’t get it
Phone: -
Email Address: -
URL (Profile or Bio Page): https://twitter.com/minx_showpalace?lang=en
City: Des Moines
State: Iowa
Address: 1510 Broadway ave
Appointment Type: Strip Club
Activities: Titty sucking, FIV, HJ, BBJ, DATY, K9, RIMMING, MISH, DATY, Kissing
Duration of Encounter: 30 minutes
Hair Length and Color: Long Blonde
Age: Low 20’s
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: Hispanic
Physical Description: Beautiful Latina, nice man made, blonde, maybe 5’5”, petite, quite a bit of makeup, but not overdone.
Recommendation: Yes
Cuban girl?
I don’t know about Cuban specifically, but she had a heavy Spanish accent.
This happened inside the club?
Yes with half of the girls in the club do a screening before you go up stairs.
les123's Avatar
How busy is Minx these days? I remember going in on a week night and maybe half a dozen guys in there. The weekends you couldn’t find a chair sometimes. Chyna still there? Man, it’s been a long time. I guess I quit going about the time all the cameras showed up but evidently that’s not a problem?
There are still only about a half a dozen guys hanging around drinking in the bar and doing some dances. Yes China the bitch is still there. The weekend is a little more crowded. I was told my a long time dancer from their that Earl threatened to blackmail her with videos from the vip rooms with her husband and family. So be careful if you have something to loss with family or work if he's blackmailing people.
I looked and the camera wasn’t on in the room we were in.
Yes, inside the club.
clear your inbox haha...I would love to ask a couple questions if you are willing to share.
Dr-epg's Avatar
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