Encounter: New Name but same Cinderella

User ID: Best Massage
Date: 10/29/24
Name: Cinderella
Phone: 512 866-5888
Email Address: -
URL / Website: -
City: Austin
State: Texas
Address: 12325 Hymeadow Dr #2-202
Austin, Tx 78750
Activities: Full body massage, plus L3 :-)
Hair Length and Color: Long black hair
Age: 29
Smoking Status: Non-Smoker
Ethnic Background: Asian
Physical Description: Cinderella has one of those rare perfectly shaped hard bodies. I love a girl with no body fat and is in tight aerobic instructor shape. Which was my fantasy the whole time. No one I’ve seen lately wears a little white dress as perfectly as she does
Recommendation: Yes
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Is her English American good?