In my experience, you're right, but it's certainly a common enough occurrence. Yours, too, I'll wager. How does the old saying go about a few bad apples?
Remember, too, that this board is WAY bigger than the few posters who try to dominate it. The sentiments expressed here are not always widely held.
We all have it within our power to treat others respectfully, and ought to; the failure to do so, however, shouldn't cause anyone to feel intimidated.
But if it were within your power, what would you change or like to see changed? This board is completely valueless without your participation and the participation of other ladies like you.
What has really happened on this board? When I began providing 3 years ago things were alot different. There was another site where everyone could post and not feel intimidated. We all spoke our feeling and concerns and It seemed to me as a more respectful board. I did not second guess any post I posted I did not think twice about responding to any thread. Now... I have decided to just post my schedule and once in awhile respond to a thread.
Originally Posted by faith28