Which studio has the lowest base rate?

Action&Reaction's Avatar
I don’t care about bbfs or msog surcharges. Which studio has the best 30 min and 1 hr rate?
TravelingHere's Avatar
MK has Tia 320 all inclusive no upcharge, 260 for half
Its all the same, stick with non pse/bb girls as they are typicallg younger and hotter. From what i hear Haru is a must see!
Spicyqueso's Avatar
Really miss the old days when it was 180/240 and 220/280 should’ve gone more often back then , even miss the AMP days it was only 140/200 . The rates suck now
Some Chinese studios advertise $300/hr. However, I challenge you to not be rushed out by 30 mins.
Really miss the old days when it was 180/240 and 220/280 should’ve gone more often back then , even miss the AMP days it was only 140/200 . The rates suck now Originally Posted by Spicyqueso
Closet to those rates are the c orgs. I vouch for the Japanese here and Momo. Actual young girls. My two 30m visits here haven’t been rushed and been pleasantly surprised

Action&Reaction's Avatar
Closet to those rates are the c orgs. I vouch for the Japanese here and Momo. Actual young girls. My two 30m visits here haven’t been rushed and been pleasantly surprised

https://xiaoyaojing888.com/ Originally Posted by LoneStar41
Why is the ad in Mandarin? Are they appealing to a mostly Asian clientele? Also some of the pics look AI generated. How close are they to the women?
BigDawg1966's Avatar
My experience with c orgs is that pics are less close to real life than the k org pics. Your phone should auto translate to English but probably depends on your device and settings. Overall, you get what you pay for and everyone has different desires and willingness to spend.
Overall, you get what you pay for and everyone has different desires and willingness to spend. Originally Posted by BigDawg1966
I agree. Also, guys who lowball the girl in session tend to get worse service. "I finally got her to accept less. I was dissatisfied with her service" Fucking, duh! You get what you pay for.
Why is the ad in Mandarin? Are they appealing to a mostly Asian clientele? Also some of the pics look AI generated. How close are they to the women? Originally Posted by Action&Reaction
Can’t speak for the Chinese but the two Japanese I’ve seen have been pretty accurate
HenrySwanson's Avatar
Kpop's Yummy is all inclusive at 320.

If you don't care about BB a d want two hours, MK has the best deal overall.
I've been out of the hobby for a while. What is C org, is that a reference to the xiao studio?