Anyone else having problems accessing their site lately? The last week or so I can get it to load only infrequently.
GutterFund's Avatar
I've found the site to be quirky over the years. Give it time.
If you were trying to access it at 3 AM it was probably just down for its nightly updates. I usually stay away from 1 AM to 5 AM for that reason.
GutterFund's Avatar
I've found the site to be quirky over the years. Give it time. Originally Posted by GutterFund
That being said, I can no longer access using a proton email addy. Can anyone confirm?
BrookeMonroe's Avatar
close it, then reopen
accept all cookies
mizurymule's Avatar
That being said, I can no longer access using a proton email addy. Can anyone confirm? Originally Posted by GutterFund
I have had issues with a proton email on several sites. Seems they don't recognize it as a legitimate email addy.