
Shot in the dark
Trying to reset my PW with the site and crickets. Anybody know what a response time from them looks like? It’s been a few days. Also been a while since I logged on there, I suppose the site is still active? Thx!
winn dixie's Avatar
Good luck.
I've gotten "Bad Gateway" for 2 days now and my Firefox has morphed into something that will take too much time to deal with
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
site works fine, I'm into it a couple times a week picking up PM messages.
MoneyManMatt's Avatar
Yeah I'm having issues where the site won't even load. Doing fine yesterday until the afternoon... haven't been able to get on since.
Alexandra Sand's Avatar
Not loading for me either.
governmentguru's Avatar
Good thing there is little value to that site
AnimalHouse's Avatar
winn dixie's Avatar
Oh crap
I can't login
Did I get banned again?

"Throw it in the gutter, n go find another"
governmentguru's Avatar
Whatever will I do, unable to read the same 15 ho's ads, every day?
Trump executive order. He’s into his Bible thing you know.
Yep, no go for me either. Worked fine yesterday
site is down for me.
after 3 days of no access I got on this evening 9pm .......
marathon2010's Avatar
Worked yesterday afternoon evening.
Down again today just now morning.