Anonymity in the hobby

So this is a small class in anonymity. Mainly for the gentlemen. I have a nice car so I never drive my car to a location. Never. I Uber there. Dudes your license plate tells your whole life. I never understood any circumstances give any personal information to a provider. Never. Host a dinner party and mention a h****er and watch your dinner party clear out, because this is the most frowned upon thing in the world. Sometimes for good reasons.

Never pillow talk. Leave your feelings at home. Set guidelines for what you expect from her then that's it. You literally cannot trust these women. Don't bring anything with you except your donation. No wallet period. As far as the world is concerned you are Abraham Lincoln. To a new location always arrive early. The only person you can be at ease with is our lovely person who provides in a luxury highrise. The rest, arrive early. Especially motels. Scope the parking lot . You are looking for people just sitting in their car looking at the room you are going into

Observe stock ads on the other site. Stock ads are created by someone. Probably not the one you are seeing. Look for a change in wording. That's good. Stock ads or simply ads with the same writing style scream management ( ladies just pay a booker. That's all the money you should spend. A true booker)

Never give a deposit. Period. That's a money trail. Cash is king. Never agree to a selfie or any personal information. Women are stupid for asking for it anyway. One lady asks for your real first name linked to your phone number. Laughable because at Metro PCs you go in there and give them any name. Make it sound good. I'm Carlton Ridley. Boom you have a phone. Never give a selfie. Ever. Ever. Ever. Your image is yours and not anyone else's. You cannot ever trust these ladies. Last, leave your feelings at wherever you lay your head. Explain, not explicitly,what you want then go there and get exactly what you want. Do not ask these women their birthday nor care. Don't ask them how many kids they have etc. Do not get attached in anyway. Talking about personal information begins to form a

bond. You absolutely don't want that because then your stupid ass will share your information. That's all great until the woman sours on you then she will weaponize that information. Not for your good.

Realize women. Men. We both come here as a last resort. No one said career goals in any form of education saying I want to have sex with random men or hey I want to grow up and pay hoo***s. So treat every transaction like that. Expect her to do her job. Never think YMMV. But on your end gents treat this like a transaction. Any other suggestions on anonymity please list them below. For women and men bust honestly mostly men
There are a few spelling incorrections. I'm not going to bother and change them. You get the gist. Besos.
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