Encounter: K.C. for the win!!

cooler62's Avatar
Date: Mid Oct
Name: K.C.
User ID:: None
Phone: 903-521-2513
Email Address: None
URL / Website: N/A
City: Tyler
State: Texas
Address: East side near Sam's Club
Activities: GFE
Hair Length and Color: Blondish
Age: Late 30's
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: K.C.is about 5'6"
Nice curves on the skinnier side.
Average breasts. A little saggy but great nips. I like them like that. Great ass and legs. Gorgeous pussy.
A little mommy damage. Nice smile. Looks better in person than pics.
Recommendation: Yes
What pics?
myprototype's Avatar
Was this BB or CFS?
jakob's Avatar
  • jakob
  • 12-01-2024, 09:43 AM
So are yall seeing this girl in the add or the other one using this same phone number? I've seen KC she's great, cfs, but I think someone else uses her number too
So are yall seeing this girl in the add or the other one using this same phone number? I've seen KC she's great, cfs, but I think someone else uses her number too Originally Posted by jakob
Was wondering the same thing. Definitely two different girls advertising with this same number.
  • Mt_75
  • 12-01-2024, 01:49 PM
It’s been KC number for the past few months. The other girl hasn’t posted with it since April. There has been a few reputable people on her that have posted reviews for KC or said she is legit. I haven’t gotten the chance to see her yet. I have had her scheduled a time or two but something on my end always gets in the way.
cooler62's Avatar
She's on STG under Tyler. Blondish hair.