Der Themenstarter ist in Maine. LeLe reist nach Maine. Geben Sie auch ihre Operationsbasis als Sugar Land an. Es scheint logisch, die Einheimischen nach einem ihrer eigenen zu fragen
: OP is in Maine. LeLe travels to Maine. Also list her base of operation as Sugar Land. Seems logical to ask the locals about one of their own:
OP what I would do if I was you would be to write a review or pay for premium access. Then I would ask in the mens locker room. Guys are going to be hesitant to say anything in Coed about s lady. I searched her and found absolutely nothing but she must have a fanfare to move around like that and go as far as Hawaii. Perhaps she uses a different name besides Lele. Reach out to her. Her number is on that Tryst ad and respectfully ask her you are interested and if she has any reviews. She will be there dec 9-11, so you have time. At her donation I respect your desire for additional information before making an appointment, but my Spidey senses think she is probably a great time based off her tour schedule. Good luck brother