The 51st state

Flair4Drama's Avatar
Dear Canada-

If you want to join the United States, we have a few rules.

1. The leaf flag must go.
2. Firearm possession must go up by 500% per household.
3. Justin Trudeau must be exiled to Cuba to be with his ancestry.
4. You will be referred to as snow Mexicans.
New trade ad from Ontario Canada, just came out yesterday. I’ve seen it a few times since.

And Trump’s still over a month away from being inaugurated.

Get in line bitches, or you’ll pay the price. America is coming back quickly and stronger than ever.

Although, we can let them keep the maple leaf flag for their state can’t we? All US states have their own flag. J/S cause I’m a nice guy. And the fact that I played a lot of hockey against Canadians, so we gotta let’em keep something.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
They will never apply.
They actually have a better budget than the states do and will not want to buy into the US zillions upon zillions debt.