Always a Democrat masktard somewhere. Democrat Germaphobes.
Trump was not big on wearing a mask. He caught the original strain of SARS_CoV2 virus. Trump and Dr. Ben Carson needed the Regenron Antibodies to clear the virus. Nothing wrong with masking up during a pandemic, especially if you are an older citizen.
Always a Democrat masktard somewhere. Democrat Germaphobes. Originally Posted by HoHound
Trump was not big on wearing a mask. He caught the original strain of SARS_CoV2 virus. Trump and Dr. Ben Carson needed the Regenron Antibodies to clear the virus. Nothing wrong with masking up during a pandemic, especially if you are an older citizen.... Hmmmm... Thought the pandemic is OVER.
Some of you Republicans just don't believe in science. Originally Posted by adav8s28
It is a jury in a Manhattan trial. The majority of that fucking jury are probably Democrats. Regardless, who the hell knows whether that elderly juror is actually a Democrat unless one knows his or her medical history and whether double masks in a full court room should be worn for caution during the coughing and runny nose season. Originally Posted by Lucas McCainApparently, the OP thinks everybody who looks/sounds/acts different from him is a Democrat.
... Hmmmm... Thought the pandemic is OVER.1. The pandemic is over. However, it is flu season. Nothing wrong with reducing your risk to getting infected with a virus. If i have to go thru an airport like LaGuardia or Kennedy in NYC, I would wear two masks too. One of them would be the KN95 mask (it has better protection than the generic blue mask you see in hospitals).
And IF it's not - WHY are the jury sitting so close
together there? ... Shouldn't they be 2m apart??
#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again