Can You Guess Which Juror Is Voting Against Daniel Penny?

HoHound's Avatar

Always a Democrat masktard somewhere. Democrat Germaphobes.
Ripmany's Avatar
Should be secrets
adav8s28's Avatar

Always a Democrat masktard somewhere. Democrat Germaphobes. Originally Posted by HoHound
Trump was not big on wearing a mask. He caught the original strain of SARS_CoV2 virus. Trump and Dr. Ben Carson needed the Regenron Antibodies to clear the virus. Nothing wrong with masking up during a pandemic, especially if you are an older citizen.

Some of you Republicans just don't believe in science.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
That or he’s a retarded narcissist.
Trump was not big on wearing a mask. He caught the original strain of SARS_CoV2 virus. Trump and Dr. Ben Carson needed the Regenron Antibodies to clear the virus. Nothing wrong with masking up during a pandemic, especially if you are an older citizen.

Some of you Republicans just don't believe in science. Originally Posted by adav8s28
... Hmmmm... Thought the pandemic is OVER.
And IF it's not - WHY are the jury sitting so close
together there? ... Shouldn't they be 2m apart??

Or maybe the jurour just wants to stand out and get
some "face time" ...

#### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
He could be hiding bd breath.

Or he could be a Republican mole.

Or this thread could be ina different forum.

Lucas McCain's Avatar
It is a jury in a Manhattan trial. The majority of that fucking jury are probably Democrats. Regardless, who the hell knows whether that elderly juror is actually a Democrat unless one knows his or her medical history and whether double masks in a full court room should be worn for caution during the coughing and runny nose season.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
It is a jury in a Manhattan trial. The majority of that fucking jury are probably Democrats. Regardless, who the hell knows whether that elderly juror is actually a Democrat unless one knows his or her medical history and whether double masks in a full court room should be worn for caution during the coughing and runny nose season. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Apparently, the OP thinks everybody who looks/sounds/acts different from him is a Democrat.

Or he's just trolling in his spare time.

Again, every trial in every court is NOT a political thread.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
That or he’s a retarded narcissist. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

Been saying that for 8 years!

txdot-guy's Avatar
Maybe they are attempting to hide their identity from social media and the backlash that might result from either side of the issue.
  • Tiny
  • 12-07-2024, 08:25 PM
Au contraire. In this day and age when good quality N95 and equivalent masks are available, double masking is a sign of paranoia. And anybody afraid of COVID is damn sure afraid of some loon on a New York subway putting a knife in his belly. I know I am. That juror's going to vote to acquit.
winn dixie's Avatar
Yall ever consider the juror may be a cancer patient or someone immunecompromised? Wearing a mask does not make the juror a dem.
biomed1's Avatar
Staff Edit - OP should be reminded that Troll Accounts are Not Permitted on Eccie - Biomed1
Redhot1960's Avatar
NTA... fuckers
adav8s28's Avatar
... Hmmmm... Thought the pandemic is OVER.
And IF it's not - WHY are the jury sitting so close
together there? ... Shouldn't they be 2m apart??

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
1. The pandemic is over. However, it is flu season. Nothing wrong with reducing your risk to getting infected with a virus. If i have to go thru an airport like LaGuardia or Kennedy in NYC, I would wear two masks too. One of them would be the KN95 mask (it has better protection than the generic blue mask you see in hospitals).

2. They are not 6 feet apart because the number of infections in the area has to be above a certain number before that condition is called for by the city health director.