national article today

"How a sex trafficking law made my job as a sex worker more dangerous" by Laura LeMoon. This is an article, a long one, in todays' Wall Street Journal. The author appears to have use her real name and there is a picture too.
I have seen posts on her theme here, but I cannot recall ever seeing one in the mainstream press, especially when authored by a sex worker who is no longer "working".
The point of the article, along with posts on this site, is that SESTA/FOSTA has increased the danger to sex workers - an unintended side effect of the purpose of the law - to stop sex trafficking, especially of minors.
She does speak to my feelings that cause me to miss the "good old days" which there are plenty of given that I have been hanging around the community for twenty years now. I miss the chat room, useful information (pics, iso's) that used to be here on Eccie and ASPD before that.
Something that is better? Sure! - Eccie is far more national that it used to be.
I did scan through the new posts (18 page this time) to see if anyone posted about the Wall Street Journal article. I saw nothing, so here is a post.