What happened to delimex007

Dorian Gray's Avatar
Haben wir unseren neuen der synodalpräsident schon fertig gemacht? Irgendwie tut es mir leid, dass Dr-Egg die ganze katzenhütearbeit machen muss
: Did we break our new mod already? Kinda feel bad for Dr-Egg having to go all the cat herding :
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Ele visita esse mundo de fantasia com frequência. Ele nao e novo. Ambos sao pastores de gatos treinados. Doutor e' mais divertido.

Demolition's Avatar
Busty's Avatar
  • Busty
  • Yesterday, 12:19 PM
Gasp!! He is frozen. Grab the flame thrower Dorian and we will defrost him.
Hang in there 007 !!

I didn't say, burn the house down.oops
Swang84's Avatar
Lol I actually understood the Mandarin l
Cendell M's Avatar
Damn WTH lol