Downtown parking

I haven’t been downtown for over a year. I hear a lot of changes down there. Is there still coin-op metered parking and/or cash lot parking? Or is everything credit card? Specifically looking around Bartle Hall.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
The huge Barney Allis Plaza underground parking garage is closed. That was several hundred spots gone until the rebuild is finished.

There are several paid lots near Bartle hall, usually full if there's an event anywhere in that area. They are a mix of coin slot or credit card. If an event, there are usually folks at the lot entrance to collect, or run folks off, or call tow trucks. If you try for early, remember if a weekday, most are full with commuters till they clear out.

Of course there's street parking. Again, if an event, well ...

We park at one of the hotels where I still consult. One of the managers keeps asking if they need to put a horse hitch rail out front.

Anyway, good luck, and consider some hiking footware as you may be walking several blocks at a minimum.
If with a date, try discourage her wearing heels. Again, may be a bit of a hike.

Here's the Parkomedia website for the area:
Thanks! I had already called the KC downtown parking information number. They said all lots are credit card at exit and only cash when staffed for events. And all street parking is app based. No way for me to park without a paper trail (I have no valid reason to be downtown). It’s not worth the hassle with other options. Even if I got bad info I’m just not going to deal with it.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Yup, that's the deal now.

But, hotels usually have a hour or two free parking for guests of guests. Just need to (OMG) get a front desk or bellhop stamp.
Just say your going out for dinner and ask where the best (pick type of food) place is.
If you want to get a stamp quickly and be amused by hotel staff arguing with each other, ask for best BBQ place.
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
Thanks! I had already called the KC downtown parking information number. They said all lots are credit card at exit and only cash when staffed for events. And all street parking is app based. No way for me to park without a paper trail (I have no valid reason to be downtown). It’s not worth the hassle with other options. Even if I got bad info I’m just not going to deal with it. Originally Posted by GuyFromKC
say your are meeting a friend for dinner at a hotel you might find to park at so you can get a stamp or voucher.
There is alot of free parking after 6 and free 2 hour street parking you don't need to pay for. I go down to the midland a fair amount and I have only paid to park once at a garage.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Gina is correct and echos my comment.
The entire problem with downtown parking is if there's an event going on that evening.

It's not just Bartle.
Folly Theater and other show places.
Municipal Auditorium (Basketball and numourous other events)
Kaufman Center (Nutcracker Ballet is currently running)
If you don't mind a hike, yes street parking is available.
Boredinop's Avatar
Also if you don’t mind a hike park at Union Station and streetcar to downtown
I’ve now written off anyone staying downtown unless they are on my bucket list.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
That really should be dependent on the hotel.
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
I tour a lot of big cities and I never stay Down Town to hard for gest to get around and hotels are $$$.