Trump grandstanding for his inauguration

VitaMan's Avatar
Mr. Trump invited Chinese President Xi. Of course he did not accept. The standard practice is for the Chinese ambassador to attend inaugurations.

Mr. Trump couldn't even manage to show up to President Biden's inauguration.

Oh, Mr. Trump.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Mr. Trump invited Chinese President Xi. Of course he did not accept. The standard practice is for the Chinese ambassador to attend inaugurations.

Mr. Trump couldn't even manage to show up to President Biden's inauguration.

Oh, Mr. Trump. Originally Posted by VitaMan

what was the downside for Trump to invite Xi? nothing. what would the upside be if Xi actually did attend?

King Chuckles III ain't coming either. ain't them cousins across the pond our biggest ally?

Mr. Trump invited Chinese President Xi. Of course he did not accept. The standard practice is for the Chinese ambassador to attend inaugurations.

Mr. Trump couldn't even manage to show up to President Biden's inauguration.

Oh, Mr. Trump. Originally Posted by VitaMan
Is this something to be concerned about?
txdot-guy's Avatar
Is this something to be concerned about? Originally Posted by Levianon17
Nope it just shows how butthurt Trump was over the 2020 election.

I think VitaMan is saying that Trump is an egotistical liar and jerk. Hard to argue against that.
VitaMan's Avatar
The image of Mr. Trump with the MAGAS vs the image of Mr. Trump with leaders around the world
could not be more different.

Kneel before Zod
Kneel before Trump