I’m curious why there are no reviews or any discussions on transsexuals here. It also looks like that topic is frowned upon on ourhome2 as well. Why is that? I have a transexual I see once a week and I would like to write a review on her. Would that be okay here? Very beautiful, passable transsexual with a nice penis, great girth
There's no rule against it, there are several recent reports on dudes with tits. Nothing wrong with wanting to share your special fella with the community.
Sir . Thank you for commenting, but please this person isn’t a dude with tits. That’s disrespectful language towards a transsexual. The proper pronouns are they and them. They singular. Them plural. They is simply a beautiful they who was born with a penis. They discovered later that they was originally meant to be a they with a penis. So please no hijinks. They is actually very beautiful with a gorgeous penis.