Provider Passed away

BrookeMonroe's Avatar
its been a long time ECCIE
i just caught wind of a death; it was a year-ish ago
Destiny Monroe; did she pass away?
Yes she did!
Think it's been about 4 years.
Just looked in another thread. Looks like it was April of 2022.
Is this the Destiny that was from Illinois?
Dr-epg's Avatar
This was mentioned years ago

#28 - On occasion, we may lose a valuable member of our community as a result of an unexpected accident, natural causes, or other various circumstances. The grieving process when these situations arise is often difficult and ECCIE has established a procedure to follow in such cases to protect the memory and more importantly the anonymity of our deceased member. A brief announcement will be made to inform the membership and honor the deceased member's contributions here without revealing any circumstances that may jeopardize the privacy of any of the parties involved. It will be immediately locked, and no further discussion allowed.