More points WFT

Ripmany's Avatar
I use to get 2 to 5 points a violation now I get 10 points a violation and there all for bill shit reasons. Are mods just trying bigger dicks and get every one band.

Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Congrats for landing on the double your points space on the playing board.
Ok, I couldn't resist that.

Seriously though, repeat infractions do have a markup.
corona's Avatar
repeat offenders also no longer receive the benefit of the doubt for the occasional fuckup. insert saying about games and prizes here...
winn dixie's Avatar
Rip is misunderstood
Reverse those points
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Rip is misunderstood
Reverse those points Originally Posted by winn dixie

rip is misunderstood because he wants to be misunderstood. he's been pranking this site since he signed up. and every once in a while he actually posts in engrish

and those points will go away .. when they expire.

Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Rip, winn and Waco, all frequent attendees at Band camp, have spoken.
Nothing more needs to be said except for one question:
How are they all away from Band camp at the same time?
Perhaps it's the holiday season.