Bad luck (Venting)

Kasey1846's Avatar
I have to be having the worst luck possible this month, is the universe against me. This year has been tough but this past month or two seems like everything is falling apart. Yesterday was supposed to be a good day and even that went to crap. And why is Mary so bad in texas. Christmas around creeping up I still have not went shopping for my kids.
Busty's Avatar
  • Busty
  • 12-22-2024, 12:55 AM
, whew...
When it gets close to Christmas it slows down.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
The world is not against you, you are just making bad choices.

You said in another post that you were smoking while doing 89 in a 70 & ended up going to jail for that. What did you think would happen?

What you did was just as bad as drinking & driving.

Plus, buying smoke while you have not even gone Christmas shopping for you kids is a whole other issue. Your priorities are flawed.
Kasey1846's Avatar
Very true I didn’t know o was going 89 I was honestly driving for hours and was tired but your right I knew better.
Op Brooke gave you some solid advice. Great thing is you are a woman and the bounce back is easy. Hang in there we are rooting for you and eagerly anticipating someone writing that first glowing review of you!
Hang in there. It will get better. Welcome to town.
Michael8219's Avatar
What h said. Stay strong
Kasey1846's Avatar
Go check out my x you won’t regret
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
I would start a Onlyfans for when it's slow to have some $ coming in
I mean you are posting nudes on X .

And BW is right ..
Kasey1846's Avatar
I would start a Onlyfans for when it's slow to have some $ coming in
I mean you are posting nudes on X .

And BW is right .. Originally Posted by LustyBustyGina38FF
I have one just have not been active lost interest but this time I’m trying to do it right. So I’m getting my 304 accounts going because I used to be shy so this a big step for me
Kasey1846's Avatar
Op Brooke gave you some solid advice. Great thing is you are a woman and the bounce back is easy. Hang in there we are rooting for you and eagerly anticipating someone writing that first glowing review of you! Originally Posted by IhaveaBBC
Look me up on PD Kasey9912 you’ll find a review from nov,2024
Kasey1846's Avatar
Guess my luck is changing a bit I got into my PD. Hopefully this changes the day around
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Glad to hear that. Hopefully you'll be in an uphill streak.
Kasey I’m honestly or asking for myself. I don’t deal with pd. Some do. You need reviews on ECCIE first then the other site. I’m adventurous but I’m absolutely not going to be the first person in especially when you readily admit your life is chaotic. I want to know once I take all my clothes off that I’m safe. Will I get gfe, what levels. Donation etc. I’m not going to look for it , you have to make it accessible. I get bored and move on quickly like most men. Also the ass shot of your tattoo Hurt me you might want to blur that out. Also, less is more. Gentlemen who are looking to blow money don’t need to hear about you having Mary, going to jail, speeding etc. That’s not attractive for men. We want a great sexual experience. Once in a while a connection forms, but you’ll turn guys away with too much information. Some things should be kept to oneself. I’m saying this because I genuinely want this to work out for you and it can. So far the way you have presented yourself it screams management, or bad management and that drives most away. Change that marketing strategy and please get that first review and watch how the floodgates open. Pussy sells itself at that point. Good luck and I eagerly await your first review on ECCIE. ( hint, when someone contacts you from here and they are reputable, offer them a discount as long as the review is submitted before they leave) don’t make that apart of their time. Of course don’t write or coerce the review. But you want to see the submit review button. Once you have a review then this thing sorts itself out. You have to have that review. It’s just that simple. Look around your surroundings. Besides a few crazy coed posts, this is mostly a review board. Utilize that please
Your twitter is getting better. It’s live as fuck. Those action shots with the dildo intrigued me. Please first review