Is reindeer good eatin

winn dixie's Avatar
I've baited my rooftop with corn alfalfa and reindeer cubes this year!
I'm gonna find out which one of them reindeers keeps pooping on my roof ever year! I've got security and game cameras set up. So ifn Santa is a lil late delivern to yall house, I'm sorry, but he'll get there.
winn dixie's Avatar
He's eluded me for years. That buck toofed yard pooper is on notice as well!
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
And of course a retired line cook knows how to cook reindeer.
And Whitetail, and Mule deer, etc.
Look up venison recipes.

Reindeer stew:
Thinly sliced reindeer meat, frozen, think sliced jerky in squares.
Mushrooms of choice
Olive oil (real olive oil)
Beef stock cube
Small onion
White wine
Black pepper
Heat up a large pan and add the oil. Dice small the shallots and in they go. Onions in a flat pan on medium heat, rolling, until tender (mushy), do not let them brown, slice thin and in they go.
Add the sliced reindeer meat from starting to thaw, in separate pieces.
Sautee the meat on medium-high heat 2-3 minutes, stir every min or so.
Beef cube into sauce pan add water dissolve and stir.
Back to the large pan:
Increase heat, pour in the beef cube mix, stir, pour in the wine, stir.
Increase the heat and cook a couple min, basically to saturate the meat.
Slice up the mushrooms and add.
Add your other fav seasoning.
Lower heat to simmer, cover and set clock for 15.
Cream into small mixing bowl, ladle out of the big pan three ladles of broth into the cream and stir. Then it all goes back into the big pan and stir.
hint, never add cold cream directly to a cooking broth.
Add breadcrumbs, stir the entire mix
Increase heat to heavy simmer, 8 or 9 min to let excess liquid evaporate.
By now the meat will start be falling apart (think shredded bbq).

Ladle it out into serving bowls and hope Santa does not stop by.
winn dixie's Avatar
Ms Gina, I expect chicken fried reindeer steaks served golden brown.
winn dixie's Avatar
Tonight's the big night.
That reindeer ain't pooping on no more roofs!
winn dixie's Avatar
Dang it. Fell asleep.
Woke up just in time to hear
Ho ho ho
Merry Xmas ever body
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
As a followup,
We do have a contract for animal retrieval services in case the Big Guy wrecks in our designated area.
There have been a few of those, always due to the Elves overloading the transport.
Most of the critters are released after vet work and rehab.
However, sometimes they end up as stew meat. Hence the recipe above.
None during the December 25 season.
The Big Guy knows when to reassign staff. And, yes, even the Elves are on the good and naughty lists.
Alexandra Sand's Avatar
I want some reindeer meat!

My father was a hunter and I grow up cooking game.

I am bored out of my mind with beef and chicken
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Mail order delivery is about it.

However, also:
Seriously, very lean.

Or perhaps Lamb
I learned long rifle decades and decades ago collecting bounties from the local sheepherders assoc on coyotes/wolfs.
Alexandra Sand's Avatar
Lamb is the only meat I eat this days.

Love it. Much more tender compared to beef.

Leg of Lamb is slow roasting in my oven right now
winn dixie's Avatar
Easter bunny will not elude me this year! Gonna call in Xtra blue spotted dogs. It's curtains for that egg laying varmint!
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar

And of course there's a recipe for southern fried rabbit that I got from a Texan. Involves soaking in buttermilk, various seasonings, bagging, refrigerating, and flipping every hour or so while the late night poker game is going, then frying the following day.
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 02-19-2025, 05:28 AM
UC. What about Texas wild hogs? Are the good eating?
I've heard they are hard to kill. That you have to shoot em in the head.

I assume you're not referring to Javelina, the native TX species that's being crowded out by the invasive feral hogs imported for "sport" and now taking down crops across TX.

I understand that the young ones (under 30 pounds) can be good if smoked... but like venison, a lot depends on where theyve been feeding. If they've been ravaging corn and soybean fields, they probably taste OK.

I've been told that the bigger hogs aren't worth the trouble - too greasy and gamey. But folks on expensive guided hunts will pay to have them field dressed with the hide and head left on, flash frozen, and trucked to wherever... but there are a lot of people with a lot more money than sense.

They are tough critters. I did a guided night hunt one time and one of the party took down about a 90 - 100 pound hog at a water hole. We smelled them almost a mile away and spent most of the night working toward them from downwind until somebody had a shot. Their sense of smell is better than a retriever's and their hearing is better, too.

When we got to the hog it was down, but still trying to use its tusks to damage whatever it could reach. The guide stepped up and put a .40 S&W FMJ into its head, the only response was the hog rolled its eyes toward the guide and kept gnashing its tusks. I told the guide to step back and finished the critter with a 12 gauge slug to the skull. I forgot to ask the hunter who shot the hog if he wanted the head for a trophy; most of the head was spattered on me, from the thighs down. That hog, though less than a year old, smelled like sewage.

We backed off downwind again and STFU and about dawn the herd circled back and started eating what was left. That's why you typically see hog skeletons in river beds or bogs - they eat their own, and the turkey buzzards eat the leftovers.

So yeah, you have to shoot them in the head, with a 12 gauge slug. Not much else impresses them.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Yes, the feral ones are nasty. A short handle slug thrower is what a guy I know uses and always uses two slugs. He targets lung shots to knock them down, then a closer skull shot to finish. Those tusks are dangerous so always the 2nd shot regardless. He's invited us down to help, as he knows our coyote story, but when we're in Texas, we're at horse shows and simply don't have time.
Although there are recipies for anything, he just uses a burn pit cause, as mentioned above, they are trash. There are small bounties on them as nuisance animals in some counties.