How to beat child support? Oklahoma

Ripmany's Avatar
I in Oklahoma and are taking my bank accounts for not paying 183 a month plus interest. Which add on $500 bull crap back from before COVID when I was getting a refund.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Some states will issue arrest warrants, so consider yourself lucky.
I think Indiana or Illinois (or both) do not offer reciprocity on child support for Texas, they won't collect for Texas, Texas won't collect it for them.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
$183/month? That’s what I spend on kids a day.
trey32's Avatar
Avoid child support, use a condom
Avoid child support, use a condom Originally Posted by trey32
Amen. Don't produce children = no child support
winn dixie's Avatar
Ask to sign over rights to baby momma.
That can end bullcrap payments
Ripmany's Avatar
$183/month? That’s what I spend on kids a day. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
I agree I spent $200.00 to $300.00 a weekend visit with my daughter. Shit if giving the ex and more than I half to.
LadyAnastasia's Avatar
Why would you want to "beat" child support if its your kid? Under 200 is a blessing, I pay 400 VOLUNTARILY and he still comes to me when he wants new shoes.