Encounter: (Reynosa) Vampiz does not disappoint

Date: 12/27/24
Name: Kara
Contact Info: 956-363-2998
URL / Website: https://callescort.org/956-363-2998
General Area: A few blocks in on right side of street. Not sure the intersectionbut you’ll have to turn right the middle of the block.
Activities: CBJ, DATY, CG, Mish, K9
Hair Length and Color: Black, mid back
Age: 26
Smoking Status: Non-Smoker
Physical Description: Very fit 5’3” 115 lb gal with decent face. Works out 5 days a week and it shows. Pussy is very clean and pretty. She had two kids but unless she tells you, you’d think the few stretch marks on mid section would say mom of one with great genes. This gal is fit with no fat.
Recommendation: ABSOLUTELY!!