You know he and the rest of the cry babies aren't going anywhere.Ma’am I almost sai something to you, but I pondered. First I have premium access. I somewhat need that. But I’m good. I do not worship pusay. If I get it yeah/ no yeah. I’ve finally evolved to that. R.M. Go in the mirror and look at yourself. Pause. Then look. Full body picture. Whole body riddled with every fucked up decision (psa where your old tattoos don’t age well so smart folks don’t get them. Even black folks it don’t age well) I’m going to get points for this but u can not imagine your life . I would kill myself. How I get better is I understand pussy ain’t life. How you understand it is hey I have a pussy. It’s a commodity. So how can I package this pussy? What do I go? Ma’am absolutely RM if I was in the fucking nursing home I wouldn’t look at you. These dudes are stupid. You talk shit but internally you are afraid of the clock off the wall. You know your time is up. But these clowns would fuck a dog. Your tattoos, cmon ma’am smart people get paid to be fucking walking billboards
Just like demorats saying they will leave the country because Trump won. It's all for attention.
Pussy has nothing to do with it. Originally Posted by R.M.
Ma’am I almost sai something to you, but I pondered. First I have premium access. I somewhat need that. But I’m good. I do not worship pusay. If I get it yeah/ no yeah. I’ve finally evolved to that. R.M. Go in the mirror and look at yourself. Pause. Then look. Full body picture. Whole body riddled with every fucked in decision (spa where you old tattoos don’t age well so smart folks don’t get them. Even black folks it don’t age well) I’m going to get points for this but u can not imagine your life . I would kill myself. How I get better is I understand pussy ain’t life. How you understand it is hey I have a pussy. It’s a commodity. So how can I package this pussy? What do I go? Ma’am absolutely RM if I was in the fucking nursing home I wouldn’t look at you. These dudes are stupid Originally Posted by IhaveaBBCPlease step away from the computer and take off those stank ass dirty underwear and take a shower.
I’m cycling out of this because you guys will literally fuck up everything. You pay too muchCan you please send me the contact list before you venture off into the unknown, but please only birthing persons.
Price your pussy right. It’s not worth 250 an hour but that should be your Cap! Originally Posted by IhaveaBBC
Before I typed this I snickered. Because somewhere there’s a moderator moderating what people say on a hooker board. That’s worth a snick. I’m cycling out of this because you guys will literally fuck up everything. You pay too much, you want to fuck someone in the ass( I’m taking a shit now and that hurts so obviously that’s not normal) you take possession of a chick, you sit outside amps etc. This shit ain’t normal . We are all fucked up but I’m getting better. Yesterday I played football at a free park for 2 hours. I was the offensive coordinator for kids. No dad got off their ass to play. I didn’t even think about this! Or having to schedule an appointment with Mona Lisa 2 weeks in advance. Ladies pussy is a discretionary spend. If you make it too difficult those of us who are not weird will opt to just go football in the park with kids that are not ours. Everyone selling pussy. Everyone. So for non crazy folks we got options. On my dying bed non of the hookers I spent my money will be there. Price your pussy right. It’s not worth 250 an hour but that should be your Cap! Originally Posted by IhaveaBBCBefore I typed this I Nestle Crunch’d. lol