Encounter: 2 for 1 - Late night special

User ID: -
Date: 12/30/2024
Name: Arin and Alice
Phone: -
Email Address: -
URL / Website: -
City: -
State: -
Address: -
Activities: FBSM, L1
Hair Length and Color: -
Age: Mid 30’s
Smoking Status: -
Ethnic Background: Asian
Physical Description: Went to visit one of my favorite spots. This is not so much a review, since they don’t want them. Went in about 75 mins to close. Since they weren’t busy I was offered 4 hands for no additional cost, just the tip. They have been telling me that they’ve been slow during the holidays. They provide top notch service and have great attitudes.
Recommendation: Yes
Last time I was there I had appointment scheduled with Arin and got there 15 minutes early. Went in and Alice tells me she busy and she will do real good massage. Pissed me off once again by working the door and not the schedule.
I was fortunate enough to get a four hands with these two. They are a great team. Alice will "go the extra mile" and Arin always provides solid service. As for the other reply to this, yeah I also have had Alice drop in when I requested Arin, no knock to Alice but I feel Arin gives the better rub down while Alice shines in other areas,but sometimes you just want a solid massage as well.
GoodTyme's Avatar
Last time I was there I had appointment scheduled with Arin and got there 15 minutes early. Went in and Alice tells me she busy and she will do real good massage. Pissed me off once again by working the door and not the schedule. Originally Posted by Mrgalveston
I do 100% agree with the statement 99% of the time. Right now consistently most spas are slow, Economy, politics, Holidays, etc. The 1% is for the fact that right now I do feel any spa can’t afford to push any sure thing away. THEY can’t predict when they will get a walk-in AND they can’t 100% guarantee that a customer that schedules will show up on time. “1 in the hand is worth 2 in the bush”. Remember lots of guys make appointments and don’t show up or don’t show up on time. This applies for any spa, not to just your comment.

And for full transparency, this happened to me also recently with Arin. A guy walked in right as I walked in for my appt. She asked me if she could take care of him real fast because business was slow. She took care of him and Alice entertained me in the meantime. I still had a great session with Arin and got my full hour with her. I am just glad that I was not on a time limit or it would have been worse for me.

You have to take the good with the bad. Normally the ladies will reward you for being understanding AND I always make a point to point out that I was patient and deserve a “reward” for my patience. Rarely, do I not get above average treatment for my respectful understanding of their situation.

I do 100% agree with the statement 99% of the time. Right now consistently most spas are slow, Economy, politics, Holidays, etc. The 1% is for the fact that right now I do feel any spa can’t afford to push any sure thing away. THEY can’t predict when they will get a walk-in AND they can’t 100% guarantee that a customer that schedules will show up on time. “1 in the hand is worth 2 in the bush”. Remember lots of guys make appointments and don’t show up or don’t show up on time. This applies for any spa, not to just your comment.

And for full transparency, this happened to me also recently with Arin. A guy walked in right as I walked in for my appt. She asked me if she could take care of him real fast because business was slow. She took care of him and Alice entertained me in the meantime. I still had a great session with Arin and got my full hour with her. I am just glad that I was not on a time limit or it would have been worse for me.

You have to take the good with the bad. Normally the ladies will reward you for being understanding AND I always make a point to point out that I was patient and deserve a “reward” for my patience. Rarely, do I not get above average treatment for my respectful understanding of their situation.

GT Originally Posted by GoodTyme
I expected that most places would be slow during the holidays. However, the other places I have visited during the holidays have been slammed, like Nexis.

I have always had good experiences with Arin and Alice as they have great attitudes and are very friendly and upbeat. Alice asked me why I had not seen them in a while and I told them that there are other girls in the area that are offering more levels of service. She started throwing out some names. She asked me for names and amounts and I told her that I could not share that info. She promised that I could get more service “next time”. I smiled and said we’ll see.
RadioHam's Avatar
I expected that most places would be slow during the holidays. However, the other places I have visited during the holidays have been slammed, like Nexis.

I have always had good experiences with Arin and Alice as they have great attitudes and are very friendly and upbeat. Alice asked me why I had not seen them in a while and I told them that there are other girls in the area that are offering more levels of service. She started throwing out some names. She asked me for names and amounts and I told her that I could not share that info. She promised that I could get more service “next time”. I smiled and said we’ll see. Originally Posted by justhangingaround
Originally Posted by RadioHam