Got my ass real good

She hasn't posted in a long time but the ad is still up and I had it saved. Been talking on and off for a while trying to set something up. Finally got a steady response time today. Went to go meet where she was staying. Said she had to pay the front so I would need to give at least half in cash when we met. Did that, met her out front walked in together, she told me the room number she was in and that she would renew the key. Went to talk to the front and everything. My mistake was going along and going upstairs to meet her when she was done. Waited maybe 5 to 10 minutes after she said she was on her way up. Went back down and as you guessed, gone. She had a certain look to her so honestly wouldn't be surprised if she had a friend right next door at the skimpier hotel.

This was a new one for me so watch out fellas, some aren't as obvious with the sneakyness as others.
  • ks2ny
  • 01-02-2025, 04:01 PM
By look, do you mean she had the look of "who are you, what do you want, you didn't give me money.
Only 2 that I prepaid, Blazing Summer, she gave me her purse and DL to hold while she paid. Other was Jessica Lynn. Both had excellent reputations. I miss Blazing Summer.. she was all around amazing.
No i meant look as the way she looked physically. Not strung out but a little trashy.
Blazing Summer was great all the way around. She still is IMHO.
JackJohnson's Avatar
Blazing summer, definitely a blast from the past.

The scammers are thick and lots of girls are getting more desperate blaming it on the Asian Rotos that post incessantly on STG (serious spam - which is why girls like Mia were posting 5 times in a row out of frustration - and then not delivering). I suggested they come around HERE, where the regulars are. Don't see girls beating a path, they actually have to do more than post an ad around here. Lazy pussy FTW.

Just my two cents.

There are still some good ones bouncing around here. Colette, Tosh, Dallas, etc.

Keep sharing information, its the only way to keep them honest.

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