How does all of this work?

I'm new to this and am confused on the protocol on Tryst. The description of a lot of profiles I've seen make it sound like aren't open to sex? Maybe I'm too naive but it's hard to filter through it all as a newbie. Should I be avoiding any profile that asks for a deposit? Are cops a problem in Dallas? Do I need to cross reference profiles I find on Tryst to reviews here to make sure the person is even real?
I suggest u only deal with providers that have reviews & a proven track record.
Never give ur name, only ur Handle, Never, repeat Never give a deposit!!! To many
Providers out that that don’t require it!!!
TinMan's Avatar
Answers: maybe, yes*, yes, yes.

Hope that helps.

*there may be exceptions to this rule, particularly for a newbie trying to get established, but as it pertains specifically to Tryst, this is generally the best answer. You might want to follow this contemporaneous thread on the subject of deposits:
Hi babe, I’ve been around for ages but I’m a wizard because I’m still only 25 lol ;-)
Yes, you definitely need to research the woman’s name and phone number and see about reviews. Most of us have written in our ads “please do not ask about specific services. “
Could be an innocent Newbie, but if a guy asks me about illicit activities, then that’s an automatic denial of an appointment. With prostitution being a felony in Texas, for both parties, I’m not going to risk Incriminating myself.
**** Also be cautious of a girl who does not request any sort of screening. There’s a good chance that could be a police sting
The hobby is not a secret anymore, and because of that there are less professional people who are playing. Again, this is said for both parties. So myself and other verified providers are now requesting deposits due to the insane amount of no callno-shows, last-minute cancellations, or complete fake bookings altogether. Maybe women who are working and living out of the hotel room are more flexible on the requirements. But I’m not going to drive all the way across town to my in call Apartment(hour round trip) just for someone to not even show up. Yes, this does ruin the anonymity And that’s a dealbreaker for some folks. My time is valuable. This is not what I do for fun. This is my career and how I pay my mortgage. Thank you for listening :-)
Cowboys1960's Avatar
I was a newbie just under 3 years ago, made a few mistakes, but nothing egregious. Feel free to PM me if you prefer.
Like Cowboys, I was new to this a few years ago as well. If you want to ask any specific questions, feel free to PM me as well.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
The whole idea of the hobby is to have fun and enjoy. However, there are many definitions of fun.

The days of contacting an advertising provider, getting screened for safety and having a GFE experience have all but evaporated.

It has been deteriorating ever so slowly for at least a decade to the point now that if you do not have your regulars to see who are your regulars because they fulfil your desires in a session you pay for, you are just about SOL.

Nowadays, provider donations are skyrocketing while the service they give is nosediving. Do not be fooled by ass licks that review a provider as great with passionate IOP when she in fact is a mentally checked out dead fish.

If you are so bold to write a review of a well known provider and you had a subpar experience per your opinion, be ready for lots of drama, from it is your fault you did not have a great time and you are the asshole to putting you on blast in the provider only forums, making up stories along the way.

Get a few ladies that will take care of and make you feel like you are the most important person while you are with them, and unless they request a review or you take advantage of a review special with them, do not review them. Do your best to ignore the ones who follow your post to call you out whom you never contacted for a session, yet they are all up in your business telling other providers that you are a danger to the community.

Stay humble, but do not let the providers walk all over you. Be nice and friendly until it is apparent that you cannot be.
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
OP don't listen to Negativity!

Losts of super service providers around , Just take you time and do you home work,
TinMan's Avatar
It’s not as bleak as the guy in post #7 makes it out to be. For those of us who have been in the hobby for decades, it’s easy to remember how easy things were once we had it figured out, and since it is harder now than during those golden years (and in this case, I don’t think it is just “good old days syndrome”), we tend to look at the negatives and forget the positives that still exist. I fall victim to that as well, tbh.

But if we go waaaay back to the days before internet boards and verification sites existed, it really was tough. I won’t digress from the topic so much to describe what it was like to be a newbie in those days, but if I put myself back there I can really relate to what the newbies today are experiencing.

So I will focus on what we still have despite the setbacks of the last half-dozen years. You still have sites like this one, oh2 and a few others. Spend time on those boards, do your research, and see the ladies here and there who have good reputations. They may not be everything you want them to be, but the best of them will provide references which will help you get verified on sites like oh2 and p411. Post reviews on this site and get Premium Access (or pay for it). There is a wealth of information not available to you as a Registered Member, and information is still power.

This hobby is expensive. It was expensive when all of us started. Many of us are fortunate to be able to afford it better than when we were young. If budgeting is a concern, see women less frequently, or mix in a few FBSM sessions with the GFE meetups that many guys prefer. One of the other guys here who started about the same time I did (late 80s) still commiserates with me about how much we loved the studios that offered FBSM and happy endings, with no other services offered, but performed by attractive young women who were really good at their jobs. In my late middle age I am finding my way back to those kinds of experiences.

Yes, the hobby is full of women who are hustlers, liars and openly disdainful of their clients. That was true 30 years ago, before there were internet boards where you could compare notes and have some hope of avoiding them, and is still the case today. Shake off the bad experiences and get back out there. If you are diligent, disciplined, gentlemanly and fair, you will soon find many more of your experiences are positive than negative.

Oh, one more thing: Brush your teeth and wash your ass. The ladies will appreciate it.

pyramider's Avatar

Do your own research. If you don't then you get what you deserve. Being lazy or stupid will give you pain. It is up to you.