Unsolicited advice about sugar babies

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Over the years I’ve been on seeking arrangements as the hobby declined in the Shreveport market. I’ve met some interesting ladies, but let’s face it their on there because they are looking for some cash. I’m more of a Splenda daddy than a sugar daddy but honestly unless you have the cash to blow, seeking arrangements, and sugar babies aren’t an economical feasible solution. You’re going to be out way more money than you’ll ever get in return favors. As they need cash for EVERYTHING and the don’t mind putting you on the spot by asking. My best advice is if you see a 500 provider and she catches your eye. It’s to your best interest to seek her out as with a sugar baby it will cost you 3x that and you’ll likely bed her the same amount of times you would with a provider.
I met several women there and couldn’t agree more with what you wrote. I ended up seeing two that lasted a while. The first had a job when I met her but quit the job without saying a word and relied on me for almost everything. That ended. The second thing ended up in extortion.