If you don't think Dumpster's Fascist, . . .

eccieuser9500's Avatar
. . . then Dumpster doesn't know what Fascism is. He doesn't know he's Fascist. Taking human rights from half the nation already.

The co-president is the spawn of Nazis. Proudly named.


Question: what is Dumpster's role in the Fascist takeover of the U.S.?

Answer: pawn, puppet, Manchurian man.
texassapper's Avatar
What are these rights you speak of that Trump has taken from you?
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I was wondering that as well. They always say it but never explain it.
. . . then Dumpster doesn't know what Fascism is. He doesn't know he's Fascist. Taking human rights from half the nation already.

The co-president is the spawn of Nazis. Proudly named.

Question: what is Dumpster's role in the Fascist takeover of the U.S.?

Answer: pawn, puppet, Manchurian man. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
It is difficult to imagine that these two in the video can say all of this with a straight face.
First he's Hitler then he's a fascist...you can't be both.
We're still waiting on what rights he has taken from us???
First he's Hitler then he's a fascist...you can't be both.
We're still waiting on what rights he has taken from us??? Originally Posted by bb1961
One things for sure. He hasn’t taken away the Left’s right to loose elections.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
What are these rights you speak of that Trump has taken from you? Originally Posted by texassapper
Women's right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness giving me head.

I was wondering that as well. They always say it but never explain it. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Got it? How easy we forget about women. On a fuckin' hooker site! Damn.

"What rights?" Sad as fuck.

It is difficult to imagine that these two in the video can say all of this with a straight face. Originally Posted by Jacky S
Difficult for you if you can't read.

The facts are there. It's up to you to believe the truth and live in reality.

First he's Hitler then he's a fascist...you can't be both.
We're still waiting on what rights he has taken from us??? Originally Posted by bb1961
Hitler was the embodiment of Fascism. How do you separate the two? I don't understand how you don't understand that.

Wait . . . MAGA. You don't know your a Fascist. Ignorance is no excuse for not observing the facts.

Half the nation's population means the reason we are all on here. Like Matt Gaetz, and the child trafficking party, MAGA morons have taken the health care rights of women.

Was that so hard? How stupid can you all be?


Nazis in the Whitehouse.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
What right did Trump take, or plans to take, from women?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
. . . then Dumpster doesn't know what Fascism is. He doesn't know he's Fascist. Taking human rights from half the nation already.

The co-president is the spawn of Nazis. Proudly named.

Question: what is Dumpster's role in the Fascist takeover of the U.S.?

Answer: None . Originally Posted by eccieuser9500


your video is nonsense bullshit. it's cult member fodder for anti-capitalists who actually believe in equality and socialism


texassapper's Avatar
Hitler was the embodiment of Fascism. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Benito never gets credit for anything...
Don't you know in the left's mind Trump is a Nazi Fascist
eccieuser9500's Avatar

your video is nonsense bullshit. it's cult member fodder for anti-capitalists who actually believe in equality and socialism


Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Thanks for watching it.

See. At least Waco knows and admits he, Waco, is a Fascist. Dumpster doesn't know he himself is. Their superiority complex is strong.

They don't believe in equal justice under any law. Sad Fascists both.

We don't even have to bring up the Nazi thing with the MAGA "gurl." He's posted his affiliation before.

Benito never gets credit for anything... Originally Posted by texassapper
"Mussolini was Hitler's bitch." That's why. (Could find the Sopranos clip of the Columbus day protest.)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t0VHpWbsUA8?si=d8Cb8zjR4kuks_Q t

Isn't it amazing how some shit sticks in your head? It's the short term memory I have a problem with.

Don't you know in the left's mind Trump is a Nazi Fascist Originally Posted by bb1961
"Let's look at the facts:"

In reality he is a Fascist. He's the only one who doesn't understand he is.

Sure. He's not a Fascist.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Thanks for watching it.

See. At least Waco knows and admits he, Waco, is a Fascist. Dumpster doesn't know he himself is. Their superiority complex is strong.

They don't believe in equal justice under any law. Sad Fascists both.

We don't even have to bring up the Nazi thing with the MAGA "gurl." He's posted his affiliation before.

"Mussolini was Hitler's bitch." That's why. (Could find the Sopranos clip of the Columbus day protest.)

Isn't it amazing how some shit sticks in your head? It's the short term memory I have a problem with.

In reality he is a Fascist. He's the only one who doesn't understand he is. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

amusing rhetoric. Che, Mao and Lenin would be proud of the socialist they've influenced you to be.

eccieuser9500's Avatar
Thanks for reading so quick and soon. Comment on the update.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
I would be more proud if you included this Lennon.

Who would have thought Jesus needed glasses. Oh, wait, they were bigger.