Is Emmy legit ???

lilojodeagua's Avatar
just wondering if anyone have seen Emmy

she claims to be the real deal, but i havent seen any reviews of her, shes also asking for a deposit.
corona's Avatar
Never pay a deposit for a provider you aren't 100% good with losing.
pmdelites's Avatar
500/hr w/ 150 deposit upfront.
area code is from upstate new york
some hits on her ph# indicating that ph# was being used in the dc/virginia area.

let someone else who can afford the cash take the lead.
minimonk's Avatar
5'4" and 163 lbs does not look like the woman in the pics.
Mental AtrraXXXion's Avatar
5'4" and 163 lbs does not look like the woman in the pics. Originally Posted by minimonk
163cm is 5'4". Not her weight.