Just received a ban notice

Next Best Thing's Avatar
Probably my most unearned ban yet, although this is of course arguable.

Unusual that I'm still able to log in under my user name. Usually I get the standard message informing me that the safety patrol couldn't take it anymore or some weasel told on me and that I can't play reindeer games for 90 days.

Not this time.

Next Best Thing's Avatar
Maybe the safety patrol was aiming their squirt-gun at someone else and I got caught in the crossfire?

Perhaps these matters have to be run through the board tribunal for final approval?

Remember, anyone who responds must stay on topic or risk disciplinary measures.

I love you all.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
I realize I'm over-responding to a thread I started here. Please indulge me for a moment.

I'm not asserting proprietorship over the thread and I understand if you're not interested. I am.

I could not help but notice after a tiny bit of research that roo appears to have taken a bullet in the latest skirmish and was banned.

roo did ask for it, pretty much literally asked for it, which I find overdramatic but you the audience can make what little there is of your own mind up about this.

Maybe the board overlord was going after roo and just banned me out of habit?

The shadow knows?

Thank you
ben dover's Avatar
Probably an accounting error.
And/or just simply caught in the crossfire as you mentioned.
lilylivered's Avatar
Yea, Pooh, you are probably toast, just forgot to push the button....
Next Best Thing's Avatar
The safety patrol is at it again.

Picked up a five-banger for hijacking for composing a post about the Buffalo Bills in the Buffalo Bills thread which is evidently an infraction.

Where do we get these people.
winn dixie's Avatar
Mebbe another ban notice coming?

Stagg just made a mistake on your ban warning. Seems they corrected the issue
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Did they change the number of points one has to accumulate in order to earn the hammer
winn dixie's Avatar
Did they change the number of points one has to accumulate to get the hammer Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
I think I know what you're speaking of. If you're at or over 25. But you served your 90 days . Those earlier points don't count. As you already did your time for those.
That's probably why you got that notice if you accrued new points.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Thank you.

However, the prior ban was for a patently false allegation of outing which was reported by one of the male lesbians.

Not point related is what I'm saying.

Maybe this is all too technical for the safety patrol.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Did they change the number of points one has to accumulate in order to earn the hammer Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
I think I know what you're speaking of. If you're at or over 25. But you served your 90 days . Those earlier points don't count. As you already did your time for those.
That's probably why you got that notice if you accrued new points. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Normally correct, but depends on the infraction as some result in bans regardless of points.
winn dixie's Avatar

Normally correct, but depends on the infraction as some result in bans regardless of points. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
Yes. I was excluding the nuclear infractions like you said.

Now. A member gets the auto ban at 25 points. But SOMETIMES folk accumulate more if they go out in a blaze of glory.
I once was banned and earned somewhere around 35 points.
Did my 90 days. No points were expired yet. 25 of those 35 were "inactive" and 10 were "active". Meaning I only had 15 points to give till those last 10 were expired.
The inactive unexpired points is kinda of a glitch to my understanding.
But I've never been able to comprehend why we get banned and can't read the love letter from staff till we serve our 90? I know you can't login and read the But still kinda what the heck! Snick
offshoredrilling's Avatar
when I got banned for live, dearhunter and Stc emailed mr.
no 2nd handle you'll be back in a day or 2
try a 2nd handle you will need a new ip and some luck

shhhhhhh I has the new ip on its way shhhhhhh

'StC noted I seem ta have a new ip, ah what was ya thinking

ahhhh nothing Sir