Your favorite provider might be out of commission for some time

This happened at a house where AMP girls were staying as told to me by one of my providers.

naughty4u1976's Avatar
That neighborhood
seems awful close to
SN Spa (and K Spa is
under the same umbrella).

This might be the reason
why SN and K were closed
on Sunday.

Hope the ladies are OK
and didn't suffer from
Carbon Monoxide poisoning.
SpursFan's Avatar
That's horrible. I hope they're all ok.
I used to live a few houses down from that house ��
Yeah, it’s about 100 yards as the crow flies from SN or orchid
That neighborhood
seems awful close to
SN Spa (and K Spa is
under the same umbrella).

This might be the reason
why SN and K were closed
on Sunday.

Hope the ladies are OK
and didn't suffer from
Carbon Monoxide poisoning. Originally Posted by naughty4u1976
From what my provider told me, many of them are hurt and one is in serious condition. There’s police involved so she could not visit any of the girls to see how they were doing.
Wow, that’s awful.

I really hope they recover fully and don’t have any lasting effects from this. I hope they received prompt treatment and are spared from any long-term complications such as neurological issues or psychological effects. Godspeed on that recovery.

Once they’re better, I bet they won’t be too happy about their address being in the paper and this being posted on Eccie.
This made the news. I put the link to the story in private but it was posted in public by someone else.
Do yall know which spa these girls worked at?