
winn dixie's Avatar
Articles of impeachment are being drawn to oust trumpf!
Trumpf has been suggesting genocide and ethnic cleansing. He's ostrisizing neighbors and allies. Wanting to seize control of countries.
Impeach trumpfler before its too late.
This guy has gone mad

Impeach and imprison trumpfler!
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
A 70 year old Houston Dim that's single running his mouth off is not going to get any traction whatsoever.

The Democrats are still in the phase of denial.

As the brutal reality finally sinks in, the acceptance phase will finally come upon them.

It is comical, watching all of the major networks and Anti-Trump Pundits attempting to come to grips with the reality that America is tired of their gaslighting and lying.
Vance isn't that much better... I say let trump implode and everyone that voted for the dumbfuck fafo.
It ain't gonna happen.
That took less than a month in office...
winn dixie's Avatar
That took less than a month in office... Originally Posted by bb1961
Shows how big a threat trumpf is.
Impeach trumpfler sooner than later
His rhetoric is that of an unstable madman.
I also warned ever body of what was coming!
Trumpf must be removed from office.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
is Al "Grandpa Munster" Green jabbering again?

“The movement to impeach the president has begun,” Green said on the House floor. “I rise to announce that I will bring articles of impeachment against the president for dastardly deeds proposed and dastardly deeds done.”

winn dixie's Avatar
Al green is doing this for murika.
Impeach and lock trumpf up!
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
is Al "Grandpa Munster" Green jabbering again?
“The movement to impeach the president has begun,” Green said on the House floor. “I rise to announce that I will bring articles of impeachment against the president for dastardly deeds proposed and dastardly deeds done.” Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
But also comical.
There's a Scrooge McDuck novel about dastardly deeds of an ancestor Bluffer Duck.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Al green is doing this for murika.
Impeach and lock trumpf up! Originally Posted by winn dixie

if it was anyone else but Trump you'd be calling Green what he is .. a slimy demonrat traitor to America
They should have gotten a head start on the impeachment...done it the night he won the election...why did they wait so long???
Who had under a month in the shampeachment threat pool? Bragging rights are yours.
winn dixie's Avatar
So magas don't think genocide ethnic cleansing taking over countries denying human rights and threats of war with no provocation is not worth impeachment?
Trumpf should be in jail
Jacuzzme's Avatar
LOL Good luck with that.