Except, minting pennies hardly has any effect the federal budget.
"Mint operations are funded through the Mint Public Enterprise Fund (PEF), 31 U.S.C. § 5136. The Mint generates revenue through the sale of circulating coins to the Federal Reserve Banks (FRB), numismatic products to the public, and bullion coins to authorized purchasers. All circulating and numismatic operating expenses, along with capital investments incurred for the Mint’s operations and programs, are paid out of the PEF. By law, all funds in the PEF are available without fiscal year limitation. Revenues determined to be in excess of the amount required by the PEF are transferred to the United States Treasury General Fund."
All the stupid people who have been hearing how pennies waste time and money are getting on the bandwagon, because they are stupid and don't realize that discontinuing pennies wouldn't save any money.
So, are we going to round up, down, or not at all?
If not at all, then what do we do when we eventually run out of pennies?
Simple fact that he didn't even consider to account for the future proves that he's a tool