Social Security

I didn't realize this but there are a lot of very old people in this country collecting social security. People are living up to 159 years old. Really! Who is collecting this money? DOGE is kicking you know what.
winn dixie's Avatar
Isolated cases blown outta proportion
Mistakes happen
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Isolated cases blown outta proportion
Mistakes happen Originally Posted by winn dixie

yes they do and who's fixing them? Muskrat and DOGE

thank you America
DOGE is finding BILLIONS in wasteful spending on "isolated incidents'...
'Mistakes happen' to the tune of BILLIONS??
I didn't realize this but there are a lot of very old people in this country collecting social security. People are living up to 159 years old. Really! Who is collecting this money? DOGE is kicking you know what. Originally Posted by Mr69Jones

Well, at least that's what some of DOGE/Musk/Trump/Leavitt "think".

Well, at least that's what some of DOGE/Musk/Trump/Leavitt "think".
Originally Posted by RX792P
... Crikey! ... Maybe the Head of the Social Security Administration will resign. ...

#### Salty

In fact, the Social Security Administration does keep up to date on who it is paying, and according to the most recent data, the number of beneficiaries 99 or older was less than 90,000 in this country of more than 330 million. But that’s in line with the 101,000 Americans who are 100 or older, according to Pew.

Crikey indeed!
... Crikey! ... Maybe the Head of the Social Security Administration will resign. ...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Those DOGE fellows...they's so smart, uncovering all that Social Security waste and fraud...them 150 year olds collectin'

Oh wait, maybe if them DOGE super geniuses had looked just a little deeper, they'da seen the subject had already been raised and addressed.

DOGE didn’t discover fraud, but a filing error that was already made public in a 2023 report from the Inspector General’s Office. The office found that the Social Security databases, specifically the Death Master File (DMF) and the Numident, a file containing identifiable information for each person issued a Social Security number, were not always updated when someone died.

The 2023 report found that 98 percent of social security numberholders aged 100 years or older were not receiving benefits. Ultimately, the report determined that the system didn’t need to be updated because it was too expensive. Musk should like that kind of thing, right?

Wanna see the report.
Trumpys believe any lies told them by Musk and Trump. In fact, what Musk said was they found people “eligible” to receive benefits that were 150 years old. That’s not the same as found people receiving money. Trumpys are the dumbest people in America.
500sl's Avatar
  • 500sl
  • Yesterday, 06:40 AM
You can believe anything that came from the old system. That audit report from 2023 is probably bullchit too. The democrats bankrupt America, no Super Don and uncle Elon are bailing us out. I believe Elons audit before believe anything from the Joe Biden days. He took our money and promoted illegal immigration to harvest votes so they could control the scam. Our veterans and North Carolina victims deserve better than that.
Michael8219's Avatar
“Fact checker” report said there are not millions of dead people and/or those in their 120s to 150s collecting social security.

It did say that social security made $71.8 billion in overpayments or in error but since that’s less than 1% of total payments it’s ok. (But it’s not ok).

I’m all for auditing the heck out of the federal government, implementing more modern processes and transparency. But that takes time and support from within the ranks. Unless we’re going to outsource it to China, India, or the Galápagos Islands? Or move the SSA to Dallas?
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
OK a reality check:

Just a quick note about hospitals and funeral directors...
They are required by law to report all dead folks they process to social security. So any errors are on the SS staff (programming).

Sometimes there might be a few days of timing where the next months SS check might be issued, but social security's computer system can claw back direct deposits payments through the banking system, and they do. I've seen it.

This is reality.

Note that even if a programming discrepancy exists, if a human SS employee has stopped payments, there is no "overpayment". And, this is a known issue at SS on their old system.

This guy is one of the only members on here that seems to be able to be objective. He sure ain't no Lib. But he doesn't drink the Koolaid either.
winn dixie's Avatar
ANOTHER statement by magas blown clean outta the water in less than 24 hrs.
Fact checking again has unraveled maga lies and propoganda.
Mistakes happen. Human error and dated computer programs are to blame.
And like above most of these errors were caught.
Another pants on fire rating with this false ss claim. Snick
OK a reality check:

Just a quick note about hospitals and funeral directors...
They are required by law to report all dead folks they process to social security. So any errors are on the SS staff (programming). Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
I don't think that's true.

While hospitals and funeral directors often report deaths to the Social Security Administration (SSA), it's the responsibility of the deceased's family or legal representative to ensure the SSA is notified and to apply for any potential survivor benefits.

Funeral homes generally tell us when someone dies. So, you don’t typically need to report a death to us.

If a funeral home isn’t involved or doesn't report the death for some reason, you should call us and provide the name, Social Security number, date of birth, and date of death for the person who died.

Texas requirements