Date: 3/7/25
Name: Mindy
User ID:: 2550 75074
Phone: 617-819-6768
Email Address: -
URL / Website: -
City: Plano
State: Texas
Address: N Central Expr 75074
Activities: Motel encounter
Hugging and plesantries with butt squeezing
Optional shower
Lay down body rub ( knee in back felt good)
Foreplay (titty licking and fondling)
Cfs cowgirl -> mission -> k9 pop
Optional 2nd pop for reasonable add on
Hair Length and Color: straight long brown hair parted kinda to the side length slightly past shoulders
Age: 28
Smoking Status: Non-Smoker
Ethnic Background: Asian
Physical Description: Mindy is a petite Asian gal with a very gentle and sweet appearance not the hardened s. worker type she seems like she is doing this for a limited time to get caught up on some bills, etc.
Anyhoo, she is around 5 ft 5 and 110 pounds. Measurements ane my guess 33 28 34 her breasts are beautiful tear-drop shaped with delightful pink pacifier type nipples.
Her skin is a very light complexion and so soft and beautiful
Recommendation: Yes