Encounter: Walked out on Canela

Date: 030625
Name: Calenelaa / Canela
User ID:: ca73896
Phone: 469-775-5857
Email Address: -
URL / Website: https://home.ourhome2.net/showthread...26%23127800%3B https://eccie.net/viewprovider.php?id=73896
City: dallas
State: Texas
Address: preston / bush
Activities: lame ass shitty fake massage / jackhammer/ upsell
Hair Length and Color: Long dark
Age: 30?
Smoking Status: Non-Smoker
Ethnic Background: Hispanic
Physical Description: 5'2, very soft skin, lots of babyfat, big ass, fake boobs.
Recommendation: No! Save your money!
Also on Rubrankings: https://www.rubrankings.com/united-s...ela-42151.html

Thanks for the report. Do you mean "percussion gun," rather than "jackhammer?"
sorry about the double post, not sure how that even happened.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
And you should have walked too.

OP, after reading your post again, I don't think you saw Canela. But that's the right phone #. Maybe she had someone covering for her. I'll PM you.
The phone number I was texting her on is the same number in the ads. I did notice that there were two beds in there when I was in there. Maybe I got bait and switched with somebody else? If that’s the case, then I definitely would not recommend seeing her.