I want to know about the timing of 6 weeks of premium access after submitting a review.
If I already have premium access will the new 6 weeks be added to the time I already earned or is my current pa just extended to six weeks from the second review?
In other words, if I currently have two weeks left for example, is it added on for a total of 8 weeks?
Yes, it continues to accumulate on top of what you’ve already earned. So, in your example, it would go from two weeks left to 8 weeks total. Regardless of how much you’ve already earned, another 6 weeks will be added on for every review you write that’s approved for PA and extend out into the future.
You can go to your User CP under the Main Menu on the left side of your screen, then to Paid Subscriptions to see what you’ve earned and when it expires. I always double check after I’ve been approved for another review.