whats everyones thoughts on a john review

wcdann's Avatar
Im not sure if this has been discussed before or not but what about a John review on us clients by the providers? We post reviews on the ladies so other clients can learn a little about potential providers we are thinking about seeing. I for one would think it would be a great idea and another type of screening tool the ladies can use. That way they can learn about if a potential client is violent, or help screen all security matters they might have on us, and also be able to learn a little about us and what we like and dont like and what kind of personality we might have, and also give a chance for the ladies to tell other ladies how cool and how much of a great time or not that they had with us. Id like everyone opinion on this both from the men and the ladies.
burkalini's Avatar
I will never respond to any thread in earnest with the word John in it. I am not a John and never will be. I am not a trick and never will be. Client is the preferred choice.
wcdann's Avatar
well ok client review or mens review then the name really doesnt matter to me i am just curious what everyones thoughts are on the topic
  • Laz
  • 10-03-2011, 09:25 PM
I asked some local providers that and the response was that it would never work. Only problem clients will be talked about openly.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Burk is really Naomi's and Londons bitch so just call him that lol

JUST KIDDING before you get angry at me burk...but you know you wanna be lol

Laz is correct , clients are here for discretion and writing reviews is not discreet.
Wicket's Avatar
There are or have been some boards that have allowed client reviews. In fact, I have some 8-10 reviews done on me. Oh, and if you're thinking about looking for them, they have all disappeared. Like the ladies say, "its all a fantasy."
The Providers can start writing reviews on us "johns" when they start giving us donations for our "time".
burkalini's Avatar
Burk is really Naomi's and Londons bitch so just call him that lol

JUST KIDDING before you get angry at me burk...but you know you wanna be lol

Laz is correct , clients are here for discretion and writing reviews is not discreet. Originally Posted by Sweet N Little

Sweet honey are you not getting enough attention. Poor baby. you wanna be my bitch? lol Just kidding. I ain't nobodys bitch
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Sweet honey are you not getting enough attention. Poor baby. you wanna be my bitch? lol Just kidding. I ain't nobodys bitch Originally Posted by burkalini
I know! I know! Please let me be your bitch baby lol
Just don't tell my hobby husbands
wcdann's Avatar
im not talking about outing anyone there will be the same discreetion for the clients as they have when they post a review on a provider. I also think even if 90% of the reviews will just be the bad ones if it saves just one lady from a very bad situation and experience wouldnt it be worth it and the provider can always ask her client if he would like for her to post a review on him or not after a pleaseant session with him. I was just thinking this would be a good way to add to the screening process of new clients for the providers
  • Laz
  • 10-03-2011, 10:17 PM
As I understand it the problem clients get talked about and the alerts are spread. The good clients are not talked about so that no one is encouraged to solicit them. The end result is the ladies get the warnings they need.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 10-03-2011, 10:25 PM
This topic comes up every couple months. And always with the same results.

--Most women stay very quiet on the topic. If they seem afraid that whatever they reply is likely to cost them business

--Some guys welcome it, partially from curiosity, partly from interest in how to do better

--The overwhelming collection of replies from guys is like Jackie S above

I think it would make some interesting reading, but there are too many guys who have fragile egos it is very unlikely to happen--the ladies can't afford the loss in business. At least in the open.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Exactly , We are paid to be discreet & keep our mouths shut ( well sometimes open but you know what I mean )
i really dont think they care to do 20 reviews a day...otherwise the powder puff room would be full of lil power room reviews...maybe it is?
CarolinaGent's Avatar
Once I asked a provider to write a review of our date for the hell of it. She wrote the first part, but never got to the juicy details part. (more of the TER format than ECCIE format)