Encounter: Solid time with Anny

Date: March
Name: Anny Colombian
User ID:: https://www.eccie.net/member.php?u=4...=eccie_reviews [ info added - DM]
Phone: 346-350-7448
Email Address: annycolombian1993@gmail.com
URL / Website: https://www.preferred411.com/P357752
City: Houston
State: Texas
Address: Hwy 6 & i10
Activities: BBBJ, DATY, FIV, DATO, CFS
Hair Length and Color: Long, straight, & dark brown
Age: Mid 30’s
Smoking Status: Non-Smoker
Ethnic Background: Hispanic
Physical Description: Tall-ish, smoking hard abs, great mm tits and a huge mm ass. I mean huge.
Recommendation: Yes
So Anny is back?
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Solid intel. Saw her sister a while back. Not a big fan of the butter face and the ass was way too fake. Annys seems to be in the same category or even worse. She wasn’t bad but the text I got after accusing me of stealing an iPhone on her “cameras” (this confirms you’re being recorded during your session btw) pretty much turned me off to ever seeing either of them ever again. She later texted saying she was sorry that I was the wrong number and not who she meant to say that to. Weird shit overall regardless though.