Chief Justice Robert's issues statement on trumpf about impeaching judges

winn dixie's Avatar
A federal court judge ruled against trumpf on the aliens act.
Trumpf cries to impeach the judge
Today chief Justice Robert's says trumpf just can't goo around wanting to impeach judges because he doesn't get his way! Lmao
Bout time folk wake up and see what trumpf is all about
Huge backhand from Robert's

As long as we have law abiding judges. Trumpf will continue losing. Trumpf can't stand having to abide by lil o things like rules and laws.
... See? ... Wrong again... President Trump is NOT impeaching anybody.
Congress is.

... WINNING! ...

#### Salty
... See? ... Wrong again... President Trump is NOT impeaching anybody.
Congress is.

... WINNING! ...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Right On.
In cast the CJ of SCOTUS needs reminding, Federal Judges can be impeached by the House, convicted in the Senate, and removed from office.

Democrats will say…..”but it takes Two Thirds of the Senate”. True.
But after President Trump uses the Bully Pulpit to inform the American People that this Judge is for keeping violent gang members, drug dealers, rapist and murders, all illegal Aliens in the Country to prey on honest Americans, many Senators just might see the light. Especially if they are up for re election in the next cycle.
winn dixie's Avatar
Robert's issued his statement because trumpf didn't get his way!
Trumpf is dangerous
Robert's issued his statement because trumpf didn't get his way!
Trumpf is dangerous Originally Posted by winn dixie
I agree. President Trump Dangerous to freeloading Federal Workers, Non Profits who are scamming the Tax Payers, Illegal Alien Drug Dealers, murders, rapist, gang members, and all wasteful government bureaucracy.
winn dixie's Avatar
Let's stay on topic and not mention forbidden topics.

Robert's issued his statement because trumpf and associates didn't get their way. Robert's in issuing this statement is telling trumpf that we still have laws and even trumpf has to abide by them and not threaten peoples jobs with impeachment.
Robert's moved the needle back a lil.