Trump unfavorable rating continues to increase

VitaMan's Avatar
Unfavorable now at 52 %

Now wonder the MAGAs are changing their tactics. Now putting out insufferable attacks
on the last administration and the Democrats.......instead of telling the Trump story.

Who cares about pardons of the last administration ?
Who cares about auto pens ?

The Trump story may continue its decline.....
winn dixie's Avatar
Trumpfs numbers reflect all of his loses piling up. Trumpf will not see better numbers again
  • Mplay
  • Yesterday, 08:16 PM
Unfavorable now at 52 %

Now wonder the MAGAs are changing their tactics. Now putting out insufferable attacks
on the last administration and the Democrats.......instead of telling the Trump story.

Who cares about pardons of the last administration ?
Who cares about auto pens ?

The Trump story may continue its decline..... Originally Posted by VitaMan
The American people care, mate.
Some of the HIGHEST numbers in many years showing
the country on the right track!

... Keep watching - the President's approval numbers
and Favourability will INCREASE! ...

#### Salty
VitaMan's Avatar
His disapproval ratings are what have been INcreasing
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Unfavorable now at 52 %... Originally Posted by VitaMan
Democrat favorability is peaked at 27% currently.
...Who cares about pardons of the last administration ?
Who cares about auto pens ?... Originally Posted by VitaMan
Historically speaking who has ever been pardoned for anything and everything they might have done over a 10+ year span? That is to say, before ya'll elected an unknown candidate named Auto Pen? Which I totally get, given your other choices at the time.

I don't even remember the campaign slogans or nut'n.
Vote for Auto Pen for president and Random dude/dudette for Vice President. To be fair; Walz was about as close to a random dude/dudette as one could get.
VitaMan's Avatar
The thread is about Trump's unfavorable rating increasing...not the Democrats.

No idea what your auto pen writings are good for.
500sl's Avatar
Trumps numbers are going down because he is eliminating the fraud and waste. The recipients of this are not liking it.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
The thread is about Trump's unfavorable rating increasing...not the Democrats... Originally Posted by VitaMan
Relevancy and perspective. In essence, you stated that Trumps approval rating is 2x the Dimocraps. Thus making the Dims the tallest midget in the space.

...No idea what your auto pen writings are good for. Originally Posted by VitaMan
I can believe that.
winn dixie's Avatar
Trumps numbers are going down because he is eliminating the fraud and waste. The recipients of this are not liking it. Originally Posted by 500sl
Absolutely wrong
Trumpfs unfavorable numbers are increasing due to his usual antics that are steering the country away from what's needed.
VitaMan's Avatar
Relevancy and perspective. In essence, you stated that Trumps approval rating is 2x the Dimocraps. Thus making the Dims the tallest midget in the space.

I can believe that. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do

I stated nothing about the Democrats. The thread is about Trump's disapproval rating.

Enjoy your time while you are here.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
I am surprised his disapproval rating is only at 52%. Trump should enjoy it that high while he can because that percentage is about to sink like the Titanic or Tesla's stock price.
winn dixie's Avatar
I am surprised his disapproval rating is only at 52%. Trump should enjoy it that high while he can because that percentage is about to sink like the Titanic or Tesla's stock price. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Wait and see indeed
Schwarzer Ritter's Avatar
Hope does spring eternal in the motley crew. Winning!
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...The thread is about Trump's disapproval rating... Originally Posted by VitaMan
Which is pert near half of ya'lls. His current approval rating is 47+%, Dimocruds is 27%. Both are record setting at that.

Glass half empty vs half full vs 2x the size needed. Same-Same.