Remember who trumpf alleges who killed jfk

winn dixie's Avatar
None other than Ted Cruzs father
So was trumpf lying then? Or is he covering up the jfk files now?
winn dixie's Avatar
So which is it?

Was trumpf lying about cruzs father
Is trumpf covering up the jfk files

Key the jeopardy theme.......
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
It's a bit hard to remember stuff that didn't happen. My recollection was he said something about Rafael, the pro-Castro Commie in New Orleans, being besties with Ozwald.
winn dixie's Avatar
Trumpf alleges over and over that cruzs father was involved. Citing a national enquirer story. Cruz called trumpf out on the issue.

I mean crap on a cracker. Now that trumpf and lying Ted Cruz are besties
Is trumpf covering up the jfk files for Cruz?
ICU 812's Avatar
We will never be told the identity of both gunmen on the grassy Knoll.