Ancient history in Austin...

DirtySecrets's Avatar
You'd need to be an old guy like me, but does anyone remember the massage place that used to be on Lamar? My memory says it was right in the spot where the legendary Chili's is now, but it possibly could've been a block south. On the west side of the street, I had a few memorable encounters there. You would be greeted at the door by a lady who would escort you to a small room with a futon and fun things would happen.
There was also a similar place on the Drag, a block south of the Whataburger. It was my first time in such a place; they actually did a lineup with three or four women who were on duty. You would choose your favorite, go into a room, negotiate and then get what you wanted. I can't believe I've forgotten the names of these two places; they were the beginning of more than three decades of pay-for-play experiences for me.
Anybody remember them?
You are pretty accurate on the location - it was between where the blood bank and the Chili's are currently. That one was "I Dream of Jeannie" massage - my first experience in this world. My recollection is it was $120 for the hour.

There were several other places like this around Austin. Unfortunately all closed somewhere around 1990 when the new law on licensing for massage was passed and some religious types went on a campaign against them.

Austin was a lot more fun back in the day.
DirtySecrets's Avatar
Yes, it was…although a dusty memory has just surfaced — remember Mark Weaver, the preacher who picketed and tried to shut down numerous porn shops, arcades, and I think was responsible for men’s’ magazines to be wrapped in plastic at 7-11?
I Dreamof Jeannie is correct; thanks for remembering. Any idea about the place on Guadalupe?
I think the one on the Drag was Vickie's.
RREB's Avatar
  • RREB
  • Today, 06:42 AM
Can't forget "Relaxation Plus" Right down from Dirty's.

There were many others.
DirtySecrets's Avatar
Hmm, Vickie's and Relaxation Plus BOTH sound very familiar. There were indeed many such places around. It was an era where you'd see many billboards for massage places and strip clubs when you drove into Austin on I-35. I miss those days...and all those businesses.