will Trump reach his dream of being a dictator ?

VitaMan's Avatar
The executive branch is under his control.

The legislative branch is scared to death of him, afraid of the name calling that will come if they don't do his bidding, and are completely ineffective.

The judicial branch is under already under threat of impeachment of some judges by Trump and his minions.

Trump is daring not to follow the judgements made by the courts.

It didn't take long......only 2 months. Thanks, MAGAs for helping to destroy American democracy.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Judges pretending to be in charge of the executive branch isn’t democracy, it’s the antithesis of it. Trump should 100% tell them to fuck off.
Schwarzer Ritter's Avatar
His dream??? You can read minds? Have a citation?
VitaMan's Avatar
The judicial branch is a separate branch but equal branch of government.

God help us if Trump continues using his bullying tactics to try and influence their decisions and rulings.

But is seems anything Trump does is okay with the MAGAs.
Schwarzer Ritter's Avatar
You'll find out when he outright Bidens, lies or doesn't keep a promise.
VitaMan's Avatar
His dream??? You can read minds? Have a citation? Originally Posted by Schwarzer Ritter

How many of his "executive orders" are illegal ?

Congressional approval and voted laws are what is need to make many of them legal.

But Trump doesn't care. Now he is going after the judiciary on some rulings on these.

Sad to see our democracy being eroded away.
Trump should 100% tell them to fuck off. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
The courts have brought infamy on their own heads by being political in outlook and action. There are activist judges that are sought out to try cases that wouldn't have stood a chance of getting on a docket 25 years ago. Politico's now find the court that sides with their view and file there only to have it overturned in the next higher court. Soon the Supreme Court will define Trumps powers over the country. I'm not a Trump fan by any means but I like his creative mind when he's faced with a problem his constituents want solved.
Did you really prefer Biden who did nothing to improve the country except to give money away to anyone that could help him.
I put in "not qualified for president" in the ballot for both Trump and Harris
Judges pretending to be in charge of the executive branch isn’t democracy, it’s the antithesis of it. Trump should 100% tell them to fuck off. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
... Too Right, mate!

The Executive and Judicial are separate but CO-EQUAL branches.
Which simply means - "stay in yer lane"... The Judges there
have NO CONTROL over the Executive branch.

So, President Trump tellin' them to piss off is NOT
"being a dictatour" - but the Correct Decision.

#### Salty
Schwarzer Ritter's Avatar
How many of his "executive orders" are illegal ?

Congressional approval and voted laws are what is need to make many of them legal.

But Trump doesn't care. Now he is going after the judiciary on some rulings on these.

Sad to see our democracy being eroded away. Originally Posted by VitaMan
Why don't you tell us how many and which ones are illegal.

Congressional approval is needed to codify but has nothing to do with EOs. The President can issue an EO on anything and only the SCOTUS can interfere.
VitaMan's Avatar
Why don't you ? You seem to be the one interested in counting and citations.

Again, Trump has no control over the judicial branch......but he is trying. Trying to tell them how to do their job. Trying to influence their judgements and rulings.

Many of the executive orders are completely ridiculous. But that is Trump attempting to be a dictator.
I don't mind Federal judges below SCOTUS giving official opinions and rulings on whether something is legal or not, and those opinions and rulings being used in impeachment hearings and trials. However, they should not be assuming executive powers, and overriding the decisions of the executive. This needs to be addressed by Congress.
VitaMan's Avatar
The judicial branch is separate and equal. Certainly it is within their power to override decisions by the executive branch if they are unconstitutional and unlawful.

What is worrisome is the executive branch not following their rulings, bullying the judicial branch, and threatening impeachment of judges if they don't agree.
Schwarzer Ritter's Avatar
Why don't you ? You seem to be the one interested in counting and citations.

Again, Trump has no control over the judicial branch......but he is trying. Trying to tell them how to do their job. Trying to influence their judgements and rulings.

Many of the executive orders are completely ridiculous. But that is Trump attempting to be a dictator. Originally Posted by VitaMan
Considering the house has given us national muffin day, what EOs are ridiculous?

I think that threatening SCOTUS with death is trying to influence them and that is terrorism by the left.
VitaMan's Avatar
If you are interested to continue the thread topic concerning Trump wanting to be a dictator, it would be good if you catch up on what Trump has said about his presidential powers the last few weeks.

There is nothing about the thread topic in your message above.