Trump lies continue

VitaMan's Avatar
Per an article from Raw Story

On Friday, Trump made no fewer than nine false claims while speaking to reporters.

"Trump used inaccurate figures for the number of votes he received in the 2024 presidential election, US aid to Ukraine, the number of migrants who entered the US during the Biden administration, the US trade deficits with China and Canada, and annual US fentanyl deaths," wrote Dale. In fact, Trump got about 77 million votes, not "much more than 80 million" as he claimed; he also vastly overstated U.S. trade deficits and misstated how Canadian dairy tariffs work, and he overstated U.S. fentanyl deaths per year sixfold.
Schwarzer Ritter's Avatar
Raw Story? A progressive news site that Forbes calls "A source for fake news and misinformation."

You have zero credibility now and forever more. Its one thing to use a fake news site but you should admit it.
VitaMan's Avatar
Sorry bud. The facts are there. Yet you want to attack the messenger. Please refute the facts....if you can.

No wonder Trump likes to post on Truth Social a 100 times a day. There he posts whatever he wants.
Schwarzer Ritter's Avatar
Considering your "source", what facts have you delivered?
... You don't understand, Vita... We're disputing Raw Story's "facts"
- for instance, I'll surely believe Trump on how many illegal immigrants
the Biden Administration let-into the country - over some shithouse
"guess work" by Raw Story.

#### Salty
VitaMan's Avatar
No, you should be reviewing what Trump said to reporters on Friday. It is a fact much of what
he stated is incorrect.

Instead you complain about the messenger.

And now you are bringing Biden into this thread ? You should know better what that is.
VitaMan's Avatar
Considering your "source", what facts have you delivered? Originally Posted by Schwarzer Ritter

Trump said those things to reporters on seem to have missed that.

Now we will wait for you to refute the facts.
No, you should be reviewing what Trump said to reporters on Friday. It is a fact much of what
he stated is incorrect.

Instead you complain about the messenger.

And now you are bringing Biden into this thread ? You should know better what that is. Originally Posted by VitaMan
... YOU mentioned Trump comment on immigrants allowed in
by the Biden Administration. ... You first.

As I said - we dispute some of Raw Story's "facts" ...

#### Salty
VitaMan's Avatar
Hope you will review the 9 or 10 other things Trump stated to reporters on Friday.

If you don't like this source, there are plenty of other sources that provide what Trump said.
winn dixie's Avatar
Hope you will review the 9 or 10 other things Trump stated to reporters on Friday.

If you don't like this source, there are plenty of other sources that provide what Trump said. Originally Posted by VitaMan
Exactly! No refuting what vomit spews outta trumpfs mouth when on camera or multi agencies reporting the same thing.
Exactly! No refuting what vomit spews outta trumpfs mouth when on camera or multi agencies reporting the same thing. Originally Posted by winn dixie
... And yet - THIS is not about "multi-agency" - it's about
just ONE - Raw Story.

#### Salty
VitaMan's Avatar
Incorrect Salty.
The thread is not about Raw Story. If it was about Raw Story, the thread title would say that.

It is about what Trump stated to reporters on Friday, as reported by
Raw Story and other sources.

Hoping you will refute what Trump stated on Friday, but we won't be waiting..As hi statements have already been fact checked, and proven to be wrong, or purposeful lies.
winn dixie's Avatar
... And yet - THIS is not about "multi-agency" - it's about
just ONE - Raw Story.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Reread my post. Yall were slamming one source. I'm saying multi sources are reporting the same thing.
Good grief!
Sorry but trimpfs lies continue!

Schwarzer Ritter's Avatar
This is about factual claims. So far, I haven't seen any.
VitaMan's Avatar
Then you are not aware of what Trump stated to reporters on Friday. He stated them. Those are the facts.

If you don't believe he said them, then provide a source for that.