I don't do AMPs anymore, but, based on what I read in the reviews, I think Relaxing Foot massage has a decently raid-proof system. I believe to be raided, an officer has to go undercover and be offered sex for money. The Relaxing system seems designed to never link the money to the sex:
- You can't come in until you put the donation in the hand of the door girl
- You are led to a room and immediately asked to undress
- The fucking happens
Their defense can simply say that the law enforcement officer simply got naked and started fucking these defenseless massage professionals. At no point was money offered for sex.
Originally Posted by atanion
Don’t be fooled. It can be raided. Any of them can.
The biggest crime is being committed is that no or not enough taxes are being paid.
These girls, for the most part voluntarily, and the customers are provided a service to which the market sets the price
In a lot of ways, they provide a valuable service
Men who have lost their wives, young man seeking to gain some experience, single guys, and unhappily married guys of all ages. Sexual activities are natural and important to maintaining good health.
Local American housewives are just jealous that 52 year old Chinese girls can look better, and provide more pleasure to their husband than they do at 38.
As with anything, the money needs to be spent responsibly so it’s not jeopardize the finances for this type of recreation. They may actually save marriages.
Originally Posted by Tulsa3612
The tax concern makes sense. The rest does not.
Some of those housewives are Asian women. Let’s face it. Some communities just don’t want this shit in their neighborhoods. It’s got nothing to do with jealous housewives.
If the sex industry completely disappeared tomorrow would every man on earth explode later from not enough sex? Probably not. We’d likely treat women less like sex objects than we do today.
It sounds like you’re lobbying for AMPs to not get busted. Wrong audience. Good luck!