Why are L0 places so busy?

CapKirk's Avatar
I have spent a small fortune going to L0 places, rotating through all the ladies to see if I can flip anyone. Part of it is the thrill and part of it is that sometimes I need just a good massage, nothing more.

Recently I have been making the rounds at Alpha Massage NRH and Wei Massage Arlington. At Alpha, got massages from Cindy, Lily, Coco, Tina, Lisa; Lisa is the manager. At Wei, from Jenny, Kelly, Amber; Amber is the manager. At both places, it was just L0 massage every time, with zero teasing and not sensual in any way.

But the strange thing is that each time I have been to these places, they have been fairly to very busy. I don't understand what is going on. Are mongers giving up the habit?
People probably all doing the same thing as you.
MYQUEST's Avatar
Maybe a health thing. My Cardiologist told me to get massages to help blood flow. So, Doctors orders…
Theres definitely something going on. I've been to a handful of L0s these past couple of months with the same intentions. They've even been so busy that I've been able to see and hear the other customers waiting their turns. Surprisingly, it's mainly people in their 20s and 30s flooding the L0s.
GoodTyme's Avatar
L0 places are easy to explain why they can be busy and cage touched on it.

thepenisblue's Avatar
Better actual massages. Pretty simple.
FYI there's actually regular people that go for massages and not tugs and or additional services.
My L0 spots i have to schedule in advance or else they typically are too busy and don't have openings for walk-ins.
And No, I'm not trying to flip them. I know why I'm going there and exactly what I'm getting.
veloztec's Avatar
There is a secret handshake and codeword
veloztec's Avatar
The L0 spots have some “codes” - most of them can turn into L1 and even L2 as long as the “people” (managers and owners) trust you - highly YMMV.

And then there is certain codeword on “how to ask”. Delicately and gently.
Btw it helps if you are of certain ethnicity or persuasion too.
CapKirk's Avatar
Secret handshakes and codewords. Darn! am missing out on action
BigBamboo's Avatar
L0 places are easy to explain why they can be busy and cage touched on it.

Originally Posted by GoodTyme
No one has to have an ulterior motive to go to an L0 place where they just enjoy the massage for the sake of the massage itself. There are LMTs of various nationalities and ethnicities who are exceptionally good at what they were trained to do - provide massage.
At our age, some of us are looking for genuine massages as well
60 dollars for an hour massage is a hell of a deal if you just need someone to move your muscles around a bit. If the girl has even an inkling of skill it's a steal.
MYQUEST's Avatar
I know owner of Lux Thai in Plano. She does mostly by appointment, but if not busy will take walk-ins. Problem is walk-ins get angry when they can’t be seen right then. Someone posted a negative relieve last week because sign on door said open, but they would have to wait or schedule because ladies were busy.

Do people not understand these are businesses and are open to make money? I guess need to put up sign like Sports Clips…”wait time 45 minutes “.
I bet if you enter a FS amp and just want a massage for 30-60mins, nothing else. the girls would be pissed.