Daily Show Audience Cheers Violence Against Tesla Dealerships. How Do Forum Democrats Feel About The Current Tesla Burnings And Vandalism? (Video)

HoHound's Avatar

Not one Democrat politician has spoke out against the Tesla terrorism.
I honestly believe that Republicans will benefit from this. I think the current Tesla violence/vandalism will just cause the Democrat party to hemorrhage more voters. I think the Democrat party's already low poll numbers (27%) are about to get much worse because of this. What say you?
Schwarzer Ritter's Avatar
You're probably correct.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar

Not one Democrat politician has spoke out against the Tesla terrorism.
I honestly believe that Republicans will benefit from this. I think the current Tesla violence/vandalism will just cause the Democrat party to hemorrhage more voters. I think the Democrat party's already low poll numbers (27%) are about to get much worse because of this. What say you? Originally Posted by HoHound

ICU 812's Avatar
The second meme in the previous post pretty much says it all in my view. JFK, would never have been nominated by the Democratic Party in 2020, nor in 2024 . . . not his brother RFK either. . . .that is how much the progressives have radicalized the Democratic party.

Cheering violence against something they used to support and tout . . .that says it all. It reveals the environmental movement to be just a charade put on by those who would control all that is America.

Violence against what you oppose? The hole of the BLM/Antifa riots of 2020 were supported, encouraged and facilitated by prominent Democrats, a few of whom actually ran for President at the same time.

And this past year, two attempts (that we know of) were made to kill the Republican candidate for president. Whatever those misguided. mostly peaceful, protesters did on Jan 6th, 2020 pales in comparison to outright assignation.

The Democrats then in power quashed any serious investigation of both would be sasins. We could do a whole thread on that alone.

Violence? Even deadly violence is just another arrow in the quiver of the progressive Democrats.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
The second meme in the previous post pretty much says it all in my view. JFK, would never have been nominated by the Democratic Party in 2020, nor in 2024 . . . not his brother RFK either. . . .that is how much the progressives have radicalized the Democratic party... Originally Posted by ICU 812
I think Elon Musk summed it up pretty well in a simple graphic:

And for that, I salute him:

Staff Edit - Image Removed - Biomed1
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Recall, most Teslas are owned and were championed by the left, to the point where Musk raked in GIANT subsidies to produce them.

Short video included below:
Dems torched minority-owned businesses after George Floyd, and now they're torching Tesla's electric vehicles after losing the popular vote.

@greggutfeld: "Why is it whenever Dems get excited they egg on destruction? And what burns is the very thing they claim to champion. Post George Floyd, it was minority businesses, a billion dollars worth, and here it's electric cars, the holy grail in their divine crusade to save the planet."

"And by torching Teslas, they also torch the one remaining issue they had, climate change. For they revealed, no surprise, their concern was all an act, just a phony cause to bilk taxpayers out of billions, and now they abandoned the cause because the guy who makes electric cars is helping Trump cut government waste."

"Will all this mayhem hurt Musk? A little bit, maybe. But you know who it will really hurt? The people who build and sell those cars. Anybody with a pension fund that includes Tesla's stock. You know? Voters. But it also hurts the Democrat Party. After fanning the flames of hate, how can they disown the fires that result? They can't. It turns out it's not Tesla that's being burnt to the ground. It's their own stupid, f*cked up party."
That's a good point, mate...

The Leftist Lads used to love Musk and Tesla.
NOW - the cheer for destruction! ... It's sad. ...

#### Salty
HDGristle's Avatar
The leftists started noticing Musk's ridiculousness far before he got in bed with Trump. Started in the 2014-16 period where folks started getting wise to the con
winn dixie's Avatar
A few tesla get keyed and spray painted?
Magas are crying bloody murder.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
A few tesla get keyed and spray painted?
Magas are crying bloody murder. Originally Posted by winn dixie

At least MAGAs weren't on bended knee for a fucking life long criminal.

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
This is what they are really protesting about - loosing their funding thanks to DOGE.
These rent-a-riots are well funded for now. But the well is running dry.

Short video in the below:
...Mike Benz on Joe Rogan: “This was a scandal during the Obama USAID era. We were running a number of rogue USAID operations in Cuba at the time. — I’m simply showing the American people where your tax dollars are going and how these things are structured in order to systematically fool you and to fool Congress and to fool the White House:

— USAID pumped $1.2 billion in, and we sponsored these activist groups and these civil society organizations to learn how to use Facebook, learn how to use Twitter, lose, learn how to use hashtags, learn how to coordinate street protests so that everyone knows where to go, what street to show up on, what kind of slogans to know, to use in order to create the pro-democracy predicate for it.”

He talks about how Obama funded a Twitter clone that would be used to push propaganda in Cuba to inspire these protests and overthrow the government (Mike Benz explains how Barack Obama overthrew many governments)

“So what they did is they took the exact same thing as Twitter, same user interface, same like, and retweet button Zunzuneo is, is the Cuban slang word for hummingbird. So just, it means it’s it’s bird, it was the Twitter bird, the whole thing. But the whole trick about it was you have to make it look like it’s coming from the Cubans if you’re going to do this operation. They started running this in 2010 which right during the Arab Spring.

They were using USAID funds that were designated to Pakistan.

— We can get into the deeper layers of this, but contractors were funded by USAID.

The data would then be used for micro targeting efforts towards anti and pro government users. In Cuba, the developers aim to, at first used non-controversial content such as sports and music and hurricane updates — What was the plan the whole time?

Once they built up enough subscribers, they would begin to introduce political messages through social bots and encourage dissent in this, in this astroturfing — the whole point is, once they hit a critical mass, they would create ‘Rent-a-Riots”.

“You’re using Cayman Islands bank accounts. You’re saying it’s, you’re earmarking it for Pakistani aid.” But the money was never sent to Pakistan, it was sent to the Cayman Islands to fund this whole operation...
Perhaps you noticed some recent goings on in India:
India just RAIDED Soros’ Open Society Foundation offices… NGO scam is crumbling…

Long story short, the Astro-Turfers and grifters gots their money-nutsack in the vice and it's getting squeezed hard.
winn dixie's Avatar
A few tesla scratched and spray painted is hardly wh storming worthy heh? I don't believe this is a wide spread problem. That daily show audience was prolly packed with tesla workers
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
A few tesla scratched and spray painted is hardly wh storming worthy heh? I don't believe this is a wide spread problem. That daily show audience was prolly packed with tesla workers Originally Posted by winn dixie
Once the money spigot gets closed off, they will dry up. BTW: So far, 30+% of those arrested and charged have been Trans.
Schwarzer Ritter's Avatar
A few tesla get keyed and spray painted?
Magas are crying bloody murder. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Burned, fire bombed, and shot. You forgot those things.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
A few tesla get keyed and spray painted?
Magas are crying bloody murder. Originally Posted by winn dixie

A few tesla scratched and spray painted is hardly wh storming worthy heh? I don't believe this is a wide spread problem. That daily show audience was prolly packed with tesla workers Originally Posted by winn dixie
Burned, fire bombed, and shot. You forgot those things. Originally Posted by Schwarzer Ritter

Funny what people will type to hide and protect their agendas.